Chapter 15-"Did we-?"

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Hi guys! Thank you soooo much for the over 350 reads for my first story! I really hope you're enjoying it. I think this is kind of a filler chapter.




I hear birds chirping in my head and try to open my eyelids but they won't. After about 5 minutes I use my palm to rub my eyes so they open a bit. But unfortunately I'm facing the window with the light pouring through blinding my eyes. I grunt before turning over. Once I realise there's no light in this direction I open my eyes but jump as I'm two inches away from Ashton's face.

"Shit!" I mutter under my breath when I realise my smashing headache. I roll away from Ash but make a thud as I fall off the bed and onto to the floor. I rub my sore head. I look to find my dress zipped down to my waist and my black bra wonky on my chest. I take my hands up to my head and feel my curly hair knotted, sticky and drink in tangled. I hope it's just drink...

"Fuck, Ashton! Do you know what happened last night?!" I ask him by climbing back on the bed, whacking his chest and pulling my bra back in to place.

He grunts and turns over not facing me but quickly shoots up to run to the bathroom to let his insides pour out. I hear the toilet flush and the sink water run before he comes walking back in and plonking himself back on the bed. "Have you puked yet?" he asks me.

"Nope, I'm free of that this morni-" I start but I spoke too soon and quickly walk to the bathroom to let the contents of the many drinks I had last night get out of my now empty stomach. I walk back into the room and realise Ashton's shirtless. 

"Um, Ash? Last night, did we?" I ask pointing from me to him.

"I don't know... " he answers.

"It's 10:27, let's go back to your place." I say while unraveling my dress, pulling it back up, putting my hair to the side and walking over to Ash.

"Can you zip me back up?'' I ask turning around. I feel the cold zipper against my skin as he pulls it up to the top. Once he's done I turn around to face Ash's bare chest. Oh my frikin God... I look up at his face and he looks into mine. We lean in and are about to kiss when we both hear a crash downstairs making me jump but Ash catches me by putting a hand behind my back. I have one leg in the air from falling backwards. My hands find themselves on Ash, one around his neck and the other gripped onto his arm.

"Thanks..." I whisper, in a trance by his hazel eyes.

"No problem..." Ash replies before placing his lips on mine. God does this feel good. 

Someone clears their throat and we pull apart to see the person by the door. Michael, his hair sticking up in all directions.

"Sorry to interrupt, but someone's breaking into the house." he warns us.

Ash puts his shirt on and after, I pull him downstairs with Michael close behind. I grab an umbrella at the bottom of the stairs and hold it securely. Calum comes out of nowhere holding a plunger, Ash goes for a shoe while Mickey holds a baseball bat. We all creep around till we reach the kitchen where the noise is coming from outside. Then another crash follows, along with curse words. We hear the side wooden fence rattle as someone climbs over and then a thud as they jump down. Two people start having a conversation together. Out of nowhere we hear the small window open in the room next door that also faces the garden. I point to the wall and the others nod before they follow me out the kitchen and to the door of the other room which is currently closed. I count on my fingers 3...2...1! And I turn the brass handle before charging into the pitch black room and leaping on the people and kick the one on my left and they squeal in pain. I grab the other persons wrist but they obviously know martial arts because they twist my arm before putting my into a headlock. The lights switch on to reveal the people.  The one who holds me in a headlock let's me free and I turn around to face them.


My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now