E4P6: "You Really Hurt Me"

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{OST: "The Truth Untold" by BTS ft. Steve Aoki}

8th December 2018,
Heart Signal Day 7,
Day of First Date,

[Seokjin's Tent, 2:40 p.m.]

Byulyi had a disturbed expression on her face, as if she was remembering something she wanted to bury in the past. She thought for a while about what Seokjin had said - "until I met my girlfriend". Memories of the past seemed to fill her mind as she finally opened her mouth to speak. She had an utterly disappointed and sad look on her face.

Byulyi: I still remember you telling me that you couldn't hang out with me anymore - I was so upset I literally cried for a week

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Byulyi: I still remember you telling me that you couldn't hang out with me anymore - I was so upset I literally cried for a week.
Seokjin had a shocked expression on his face.
Seokjin: No way, you didn't! Why didn't you tell me! I didn't know it affected you so much...
Byulyi sighed.
Byulyi: We literally hung out everyday. You were such an important person to me, yet you just told me straight to my face that your girlfriend didn't like us being so close and that you couldn't hang out anymore.
Seokjin: Well-
Byulyi: The thing that hurt me the most was that you had such an expressionless look on your face - as if our 3+ years of friendship meant nothing compared to your girlfriend of 1 month. I used to go for lectures, tutorials, lunch and literally everything with you but from that they onwards, I did everything alone, remember?
Byulyi was tearing up, but tried to hold her composure. Seokjin did not know how to respond. Seokjin: Byul-ah, listen to me. I tried talking to my girlfriend about it - I told her we were just really close friends and she didn't need to worry but she kept saying that she wanted to break up with me if I chose to hang out with you... I felt so bad every time I saw you sitting alone and really wanted to join you, but I just couldn't.
Amidst tears, Byulyi tried her best to listen.
Byulyi: Really?
Seokjin: Trust me - I even contemplated breaking up with my girlfriend so that I could hang out with you! That's how much you meant to me.
Byulyi was surprised by Seokjin's sudden confession.
Byulyi: Wha-
Seokjin: In fact, I finally did in the final year. We argued so much about the smallest things before I realised that she was simply too controlling - forcing me to be with her all the time, break off my friendships with you and even some of my other guy friends that you knew too through me. I had enough. But after that, at lunch one day, I saw you sitting alone again and was about to walk over to join you when I saw another guy join you instead. From your behaviour, I figured out that he was your boyfriend. When you saw me standing from far away, you literally glared at me and ignored me. So I decided that that was the end of our friendship and I guess that's how we drifted apart.
Byulyi: You're right... I was so upset with you for cutting off ties with me just because of your girlfriend such that when a guy confessed to me, I thought I would give you a same taste of your medicine and also take my mind of things. Also, being with him would mean that I no longer had to do things alone... You really hurt me.
Seokjin look at Byulyi with a sad expression on his face.
Seokjin: I'm so sorry I hurt you.
Byulyi pulled herself together, aware of the many cameras in the tent. She wiped away her tears.
Byulyi: Well, I guess that was many years ago... Now is now!
Seokjin's expression brightened.
Seokjin: Does that mean you forgive me?
Byulyi: I hate to dwell in the past - it not only pains you, but pains myself as well.
Seokjin: You're right. I always knew this, but you're such a great girl, Byulyi.
Byulyi blushed a little. She grinned and Seokjin grinned back.
Byulyi: I'm so glad we had this conversation, to be honest.
Seokjin: Honestly, me too. On second thoughts, I would very much rather have had this date with you than anyone else in the house.

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