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Naruto's POV

It's been three weeks since Sakura left us, and may I say that it took three weeks for us to become depressed, gloomy, and slightly emo kids.

I don't eat a lot barely anything, I have grown Skinner then usual and my parents are stressed out just like me. Dad's student, Kakashi left the village to look for Sakura but so far he has found nothing.

Sasuke is acting gloomy and sad, believe me when I say that he hasn't touched any sort of tomatoes because he says that it reminds him of a special memory he has of Sakura.

Even Hinata is affected, everyone in the group is. My point is that we have decided one thing and that thing is that if the adults cant find my best friend then we will. But of course not everyone is going, only the most closest to Sakura are going which is me, Hinata and teme.

We plan on leaving tonight, in a few minutes actually and it's going to be a bit tough for us.

My mother is an ex ANBU nin ,  Sasuke's father is the main Police chief, and Hinata's father has a thing called a byakugan.

But we will make it work, believe it, because we will save Sakura even if it costs us our lives.
When the clock struck two in the morning all this of us snucked out of our houses and passed through Konoha's huge gates.

"I studied the closests v-villages near Konoha, the one closer is six days away. The sand village. " Hinata informed us.

"I got all the food in scrolls that aniki helped me store in. " hinata and I looked at teme, did this idiot really tell his older brother that we were leaving?!  I mentally face palmed myself.

"What?  I needed help....hn " he said as he pouted.

"Anyways, I brought sleeping bags, and sprays that helps us not get bitten by ugly bugs. Etc. " I said as I walked closer to Hinata, she is the only girl here and I'm going to protect her, believe it.

Day 1

When we were a good distance away from the leaf village we stopped and rested, Teme stayed up to keep watch for danger.

Then it was my turn then Hinata's, after we were well rested we ate for ten minutes then continued walking following a Map that I had found in one of the books in my dad's library.

We walked and walked and walked endlessly, my feet were sore and so were the others, I personally was excited to go on this adventure to find Sakura, and excited coz this is my first time out the village.

But I can see Teme is home sick and Hinata is afraid of the consequences of our actions when we return to Konoha, I don't blame them.

I looked at the blue sky and wondered what Sakura could be doing at the moment, is she getting tortured?  Is she okay?  Will we find her? So many questions yet so little answers.

Day 2

Two food scrolls down, good thing teme packed ten of them, who would've guessed so many scrolls would fit in that bag that he carries.

Unfortunately, for the sprays they didn't last long, they ran out in just two days. So the bugs have been feasting on us for nine hours now and it's annoying I am so itchy.

And so sweaty...

Will we be able to survive and save Sakura, and we are not even sure if she is in the sand village.

Ugh... I'm so tired.

Day 3

We are tired to the limit that we have to rest four hours now when we used to rest for only two hours.

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