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Sakura's POV

I've been traveling over a month now, I've visited villages that have really good medics but the answer still remains the same. They answer with a 'I'm sorry we can't do nothing for you..." and such. At this point I am just wondering off into random lands meeting more random people. A few days ago I met a boy named Koga and his sister Mina, I helped them find their parents because they were kidnapped during a trip to the land of Sound but managed to escape. At the end I helped them reunite with their parents, it was a scene that expressed many emotions and the gratitude their parents showed me for bringing their babies back to them but to tell the truth I felt absolutely nothing.

My days have grown quieter because my Inner is gone, I haven't heard from Kurama and honestly I don't know what to do anymore. I've thought of going to Suna and stay there for the remaining of my time outside the village, but I'm a bit hesitant.

I've felt chakras following me around, they aren't powerful but they aren't weak either... thoughts of killing them have crossed my mind so many times but I always stop myself, and I don't know why...

I raised my head up, looking at the leaves above me, the tall trees cover most of the sky with their branches and leaves. The wind felt nice against my skin, it's peaceful, and quiet. But at the end something feels wrong.

All of this time could have been Inner enjoying this scenery and Kurama could've been out and free, but...Inner didn't...she didn't want it that way...

"Kid go to Suna, it will benefit you...please hurry before they decide to do something to you." Kurama's voice ranged in the silence of my mind.

"Kurama" I was about to ask him why going to Suna will benefit me any kind of way, but I was quickly interrupted by a woman.

"Jinchuriki you're mine now." She said and was about to attack me when a man with shark like features stopped her. "Konan, leader-Sama is going to kill us if you get her right now. Let's go." He said making me wonder, who is this Leader-sama they're talking about and what does it have to do with me?

"Who are you two?" I asked them, they looked at me and with a smile they said. "You're worst nightmare."

Are these two stupid? Do they know who they are talking to? I'm the worst nightmare to every single person around me... why would they say that they are my worst nightmare when in reality their powers are just a speck of dust right next to mine? "Hn, next time you two stop me for something so insignificant you're dead, got it?" I threatened them but when I turned to look at the place they were at I found it empty.

Did these two idiots dare to leave me talking to myself....I searched for their chakra's but found them already far away, I shook my head and started to make my way to Suna. I wonder why Kurama was alarmed by those two idiots?




My journey to Suna was nothing special, the whole way there Kurama never spoke a word. Sometimes I come to the conclusion that hearing his voice is only an act of my imagination, maybe I've gone crazy? If so I wouldn't be surprised.

"Hey! stop right there! state your name, rank, and reason for coming to the Sand village." one of the guards said to me once I had reached the main gates of the village.

"Hatake-Haruno Sakura. I'm a kunoichi from the Leaf Village, and I came to visit the Kazekage." I said in my scary voice, scaring the guards watching them tremble by just feeling the immense chakra that roles off me like waves.

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