Chapter 3

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Who wants a trailer?

Landon P.O.V

I'm sick. I'm crazy. I'm losing my mind.

I can't think like this, especially after my mate got murder, my wolf isn't over it, but he's getting there.

But me? I'm already looking at another person, somebody who is off-limits to me, somebody who is forbidden to touch in any sexual way, and let alone mark them as mine.

My wolf has heard my thoughts about this person, you know? Sharing a brain in all, He thinks it is too soon to think of someone the way we thought of our mate, He says that this person is off-limits to us, and she is, I don't even know where these feelings are coming from.

My wolf is eventually going to start liking her like I do, because of how I think of her, my thoughts will start to affect his, and soon, we will both be chasing after her, even if she doesn't want us.

Even when she finds her mate

It all started out normal, me and her enjoying each others presence, mourn her death, and just enjoying each others sympathy, even when I pushed her way, she was still there for my every mental break down, and it is twice as hard when your wolf is practically begging you to let him take over, and  turn you crazy.

Then, I started thinking inappropriate thoughts about her, sometimes when she was able to get me out the room and get me to actually sit at the table, I would watch her walk around and prepare our dinner, bending over her and there, her slim legs.

How can I be mourning over my mates death, but mourning that I can't get a girl who is off-limits? Maybe these feelings are coming from how sweet and patient she has been with me over this one week.

But where are these sexual thoughts coming from?

Her red plump lips, her slim waist, not to mention that I caught a glimpse of her body, it was sight that was to forbidden for me to see, but I wanted to see it again. Her petite body and hands laying on me as she cries, I should worry if she is okay, but I'm more worried if she sees me that way I look at her.

She's so precious, I don't want to hurt her, but this can't work, I can't date her I can't date my daughter, It is wrong on so many levels, but I can't help but want to kiss her and hold her in my arms.

I never thought that would happen, I was proven wrong.

Lilac P.O.V

 It has been a week since my dad let me in, and so far everything is good, well as good as it can get.

I've cooked dinner, and sometimes I have to force my dad to eat. He has completely given up on life because of my mom's death, and all I want to do is help him.

My dad has sometimes pushed me away, but mostly he lets me in. I'm still confused about why he won't let his wolf take over, fighting that kind of power takes a lot of concentration, it's easier to give in.

My dad just won't give in, just because of me.

Today was like any other day, waking up and cooking breakfast, and practically dragging dad down the stairs.

Then dad goes back up stairs and locks himself in his room, sometimes I would sit around, not crying or doing anything. Just thinking.

But today was a day I couldn't hold in the tears, everything hit me twice as hard, I was weeping so loud that dad came downstairs, I didn't notice him until it was too late.

"Lilac, Sweetie." A voice said beside me, I jumped in shock, not expecting to hear nor see my dad anytime soon.

Dad sat down on the couch next to me and wrapped his arms around me, we didn't talk, we just cuddled. My dad rubbed my arm soothingly, but I just couldn't stop crying.

For the 5th time that week I stained his shirt with my tears, but I didn't care, how could I? My mother was dead! His mate was dead!

"Lilac, look at me." My Dad said, I slowly looked up, his eyes are filled with sorrow, I didn't move when his hand cupped my chin, I still didn't move when he moved forward.

But for some reason I still couldn't move when his lips connected with mine.

I gasped in shock against his lips, I pushed on his chest but he didn't move, I couldn't help but move my lips on his soft ones, this was my first kiss, from any male! And I received it from my father? Wasn't I supposed to feel disgusted, I wasn't supposed to like this!

I finally managed to pull away, I was breathing hard and I look at him in shook. I moved my hand to touch my lips in even more shock, my dad was looking at me in uncertainty, but he looked pleased, like he just did something he needed to do.

"Wha..?" I said confused, Why did he just kiss me?

I like my dad, but do I like him like that, sure we have discovered feeling over this weekend that we wouldn't have discovered when my mother was alive, but if I don't like him like that, why did I enjoy that kiss, why did I want more, why wasn't my wolf protesting?

"Lilac, I... I'm sorr-" I cut my dad off by kissing him again, Dad was the one shocked this time but he quickly shook it off, Dad wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my chest against his, I acted on instinct, I didn't how to kiss a guy, but here I was, kissing my dad, and he seemed to like it.

This was so wrong, but why did I like this, this is suppose to be my mate, do I even like him like that? Wait... Does he like me like that?

He was the first to pull away, he shook his head as he scooted away from me on this couch, I'm pretty sure that my face is red and flushed, but I didn't care as dad started mumbling things under his breath.

"This is wrong, God." He looked at me oddly, he scooted closer, and looked at my swollen lips, he smirked slightly.

"I'm sorry Lilac... I don't know what came over me." He said looking into my eyes, Did he regret it? Did he like it, or was I the only one.

"Why?" I asked silently, "Mom... I can't replace her." Dad looked at me, sorrow was now covering his facial expressions, he took my hand in his large one.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe I'm just desperate because your mother died." He said slowly, I nodded my head as I looked at the ground.

Was I really about to say this?

"I liked it." I whispered silently, Dad's head shot up at me as he looked at me bewildered.

Yep I'm saying this.

"The kiss, I liked it."


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