Chapter 20

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Mason In the multi Media! Hot??? Amirite????

Mason P.O.V

God! Why was this bush so itchy?

Alex looked at me and nodded as a sign to put the plan into motion. We're currently outside of Landon's house, and I am suppose to cast a spell to draw Landon outside.

From what Alex has told me, Landon is a powerful werewolf for a rouge and it is going to take more than one trank to knock him out, but once Lilac comes outside, it should be easy knocking her out with one.

This spell was so easy, all I had to do was think it and would happen. I was actually excited, I haven't seen Lilac yet and she seems to be a big deal to this Alpha even though she played such a small part in his life. Sh*t, she didn't even play a part!

'Ducam te ad me, et non dimisi, ut videre' I thought, I nodded at Alex to let him know that the spell was cast.

William raised the trank, prepared to shoot at Landon. Not even 30 seconds later, Landon was outside with a confused look on his face, he turned to walk back but William fired at Landon's back.

The hit was dead on, but Landon didn't waver in his steps, he let out a ferocious growl into the cool spring air.

I had to admit, Landon's growl held a lot of power, so I knew that Alex wasn't fibbing when he said Landon was a powerful rouge

In the end, it took 3 tranks to take Landon down, I was shocked that it took that many. It showed how strong he was, because it took 4 to take down an alpha!

It was much longer that a girl with dark brown hair and clear skin came out when she heard Landon's growl. I instantly knew this was Lilac from Alex's descriptions, she was quite beautiful. Who knew my brother could make something so beautiful?

Lilac dropped at her father's side, fear shown on her face, but also worry at her father's state. I say William raise the gun out the corner of my eye at Lilac.

"Careful William" Alex whispered harshly, William nodded before shooting, the trank hit Lilac in the neck perfectly. Lilac yelped in pain as her hand flew to her neck, but once she realized what it was, it was already too late as Lilac fell unconscious beside her father.


Landon P.O.V

I jolted forward as I looked around, it was light enough to see around me but dark enough for suspicion. The memory of getting shot came to me as I became high alert.

I looked to my side to see Lilac unconscious while laying on her side, I became worried as I scooted as fast as I could to Lilac's unconscious body and picked her up.

My wolf growled at the site of his unconscious mate, I was worried if the baby was okay and if Lilac was okay. Lilac would be so hurt if the baby is gone.

I rocked Lilac in my arms slowly, I rested my hand on her belly and felt myself calm down a little at the feeling of her warm and unharmed flat belly.

I looked around and let out a frustrated growl, why were we here again? Last time we were here, Lilac and I lost somebody we loved, but if we hadn't have lost Lydia... Lilac and I would have still been daughter and father, but now Lilac is my pregnant mate.

I looked down at Lilac and smiled, I was happy that she was unharmed, I brushed her hair off her face. My wolf settled down a little at the fact that our mate and pup were okay.

'We really need to get out the forest and move to human civilization' My wolf said in a bored tone, I agreed as I looked at Lilac's belly.

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