Chapter 22

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Landon P.O.V

I held on to Lilac the whole time Mason 'escorted' us out of the pack house, and we got a few dirty looks on the way, but they knew well enough to not mess with Mason apparently, because they kept a good healthy distance away from him.

When he finally walked us out the pack house and a little into the woods away from the pack house, he turned around and looked at the pack house and then back to us. Mason then sighed as he looked at Lilac's belly.

"Alex's pack isn't going to mess with you anymore, you can go off and give birth to your children without anymore distractions" He said, "But this will not be the last time you see me" Mason said finally, before I could reply, he vanished into thin air, Lilac gasped lightly.

"Am I crazy or did he just vanish?" Lilac asked in shock, I shook my head as I pulled her closer to me, Lilac rested her head on my shoulder as she gave out a tired sigh. I had to get her home so she can at least get a short nap, the run would take one hour max.

"Your tired, we need to get you home" I said, I started to move away from Lilac so I could shift, but Lilac stopped me by grabbing my upper arm and pulling me back to her in a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around her as she started to sob, Lilac pulled away and wiped her tears from her eyes.

"I thought they shot you, I thought you were killed" Lilac whispered, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her softly, which quickly turned into me pushing her against a tree and kissing her harsher. Lilac whimpered as I pulled away from her lips and rested my head against her forehead and looked into her eyes.

"I'm not dead, I'm still here for you and my unborn child" I said, Lilac smiled a small smile as she pulled me back into a hug. It felt good to know that she was worried about me, but if it wasn't for Mason, I probably wouldn't have escaped without getting hurt even more.

"I don't ever want to lose you" Lilac said, she nuzzled her head into my neck and breathed in my scent, I felt her relax at the smell of my scent. I followed her actions and buried my face into her neck and breathed in the captivating spell of strawberries, I instantly relaxed from her scent.

"Your pregnant, you can't shift, I'll shift and run us home, Okay?" I said, Lilac nodded as she backed away. I started to take off my clothes and by the time I was naked, Lilac's eyes were trained on my face as a deep crimson red settled upon her soft cheeks.

I smelled her arousal, which brought me the 'pleasure' of starting to harden right in front of Lilac. If it were even possible, Lilac's cheeks reddened even more as I'm guessing she smelled my arousal. We had to get out of this place before I ripped her clothes off and took her in the forest.

I shifted into my wolf, which was quite big. Lilac smiled as she rubbed my head softly, my wolf purred out making Lilac giggle at the sound. I gave my wolf full control as he was begging to let him take control and run back, he wanted to stretch his legs while he was in control, which I was fine with.

He lowered down so Lilac could get on his back, once she was on, he was off at top speed running through the forest, he knew where to go so I wasn't worried about him going the wrong way.

The one hour ride wasn't hard for him to run, but it took a toll on Lilac as she wobbled on her feet lightly before catching her balance and stabilizing herself, my wolf stepped forward so she could use him to balance herself.

Lilac put her hand on our furry back as she stopped walking, Lilac turned to me and smiled as she leaned on me more.

"I'll be fine, just give me a minute" Lilac said with a laugh. My wolf didn't care how long she was there, he actually liked Lilac's hands on his fur, it made him calmer than usual.

My wolf snuggled his head into Lilac's stomach gently, Lilac laughed again as she rub her hand over my large head, I let out a sigh that came out as a long huff.

Lilac straightened up as she walked to the door, my wolf was right behind her as she opened the door. Lilac walked to my room since she sleeps in there with me now, so technically, it is our room.

When she got to the room, she sat down on the edge of the bed and let out a yawn, she turned her head to look at me and smiled.

I shifted right there in front of her, Lilac's eyes widened as she avoided my lower region again. I shook my head as I changed into some clothes and followed her actions of sitting on the bed.

Lilac crawled over to me and laid down on her side by me, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled the covers over us.

"We should move out of this place to human civilization" I said to Lilac, Lilac pulled back and looked at me in surprise. She nodded her head in agreement as she laid her head back down on the pillow.

"If we are going to raise this baby safely, then yes, we do need to move" Lilac said, Lilac rubbed her hand over her stomach and breathed out a sigh.

"We haven't drove into the city in a long time" I said, Lilac nodded in agreement. We haven't drove the car period, I think we should move now or sometime near this time, I just don't want my family to be put in anymore trouble than we already are, they know where we live and if we move to human civilization, it will be harder for them to find us.

"We need to move soon then" I said, Lilac nodded as she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep, I closed my eyes as I moved my head above Lilac's and breathed in her scent again. That's all I need to fall asleep.


I need an editor, please DM if you can do the job or somebody you know can do the job!

Check out the Media Pic... 

Short Chapter, I know, but school starts tomorrow and I just wanted to put something out!

Also, the next chapter will start with Lilac being 1 month pregnant, which is about a 2 week time skip. Nothing important will happen during that time, and if something does, I'll explain it in whoever POV is first.

QOTC: Should Landon and Lilac move?

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