Chapter 8

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This is a filler chapter for Landon's wolf, don't suspected anything like kissing and stuff.

Landon's Wolf P.O.V

I wanted to reach out to Lilac's wolf, talk to her and just enjoy her company in our companions connected brains, just like Lydia's wolf and I did, maybe I was trying to measure Lilac's wolf to Lydia's wolf, but Lilac was still young and naive, and mate or not I'll always protect her.

Lilac's wolf probably didn't care about a mate bond, not like I do at least, probably because she hasn't felt the pain of losing your mate, probably because she doesn't know how hard it is to love somebody your companion is feeling attracted to when your mate was killed not to long ago.

But it doesn't matter if I'm over Lydia or not, Landon's feelings are affecting me, no matter how much I try to deny them, I always end up taking over and doing something with Lilac, not like Lilac helps either,

To tell you the truth, Lilac is quite attractive, and for somebody to look exactly like their mother, she doesn't act the same, Lilac is so innocent, rarely gets in trouble, and is quiet most of the time, she was only loud around me and Lydia, not like she went around a lot of people.

Lydia might have came off as innocent when you first met her, but I learned right away that she wasn't. She was hard headed and stubborn, she held a lot of self pride for herself, part of the reason why she was a virgin when we met her and I wasn't, not like I didn't have self pride for myself.

But, one night in the bedroom with her, and you'll find out that Lydia was a wild woman behind a quiet facade. I knew Landon wanted to spend a night with Lilac, it was quite obvious by his actions.

The way he held her when he kissed her, the way he kissed, and just the way he treated her and reacted to her in general. I knew Lilac had a reaction to him, not one quite like you would have to a mate, but it was sure building up to that.

I knew that no matter how much Lilac pushed us away we will push down those walls, I just did a few minutes ago, I don't know what made me do it, I guess losing somebody that I was slowly falling for seemed like a nightmare after we loss Lydia, and I didn't want to risk it.

I didn't think I had any sexual feelings for Lilac, emotional? Yes, but sexual I didn't think so, but seeing her in her bra right now set a sexual fire burning in me and Landon, I knew that wanting to have sex with our daughter was creepy and wrong and gross to many people.

But in the werewolf world they don't care, as long as you don't mate a human or expose us to humans you can mate with anyone and be a mate to anyone. It is possible for a family member to be your mate also, but I'm not Lilac's mate, whoever is her mate is a lucky person.

At first I thought Landon was just trying to get into Lilac's pants -that would have been even weirder- but now that I see how he acts around her now, I know it just isn't a plan to f*ck our own daughter. His feelings were quite clear to me, but Lilac's? They weren't clear to me, I was confused on what she wanted.

First, she was kissing us and playing along with our little 'game', but then literally the next thing you know she is pushing us away and saying that what we were doing is wrong and it can't escalate to anything else, and I can't blame her either, what we are doing is wrong and I can see how that can provoke her chances with her mate.

But what would her mate be doing all the way out here in the woods, and I know I sound selfish saying this, but I don't want Lilac to find her mate, not now at least. I just won her over practically, and for another to come and steal her from me right now will lead to a complicated relationship for her.

I want Lilac to be happy, and my fatherly side is telling me that this wasn't the way to do it, that kissing our daughter isn't the answer, but then there was the 'regular' man side, saying to do the exact opposite of just that, but it is up to Lilac and her choices.

And by the way she is moaning right now, which is a real turn on by the way, I think I know her choice, but she can always change her mind, which I don't want her to do, I want see how far our relationship can go, or maybe how far Landon will go...

No matter how much I felt like I was betraying Lydia, I couldn't help but admire Lilac's body just like Lydia's, same goes for Landon. I know that he still is heartbroken deep down, he just doesn't want to show it in front of Lilac anymore, partly because Lilac is the main person helping him through this and at the same time he is growing attached to her

Landon literally talks to me about Lilac's body, and eventually I was looking at Lilac, I should have felt sick and disgusted with myself for checking out my daughter and looking at her in that 'whole new light', Lilac knows about the whole new light thing, but if I know my daughter, I know that when it comes to doing something bad, Lilac takes advantage of it, letting her  good girl demeanor go for that period of time.

I want to see Lilac's bad girl side, I've only seen her be an angel, I just caught a glimpse of that side of her, or I'm still seeing a glimpse of it deep withing Landon's thoughts, and Lilac's wolf was doing the same deep withing Lilac's thoughts, I wanted to talk to Lilac's wolf.

I wanted Lilac to be a bad girl for me.


 Keep Calm And Read My Book!

Also, I am so proud of the reviews this book has gotten, my reader are literally better than all ther others.... no offense that we are to cool for other books ✌

I am officially calling you guys my unicorns... How does that sound?


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