Chapter 16

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Lilac P.O.V

I was shocked, he thinks I'm already pregnant? But, how?

Okay, I know how I might be pregnant, but how does he know?

"Yes I think your pregnant, I should have told you about my superstitions" He said, he put his hands on my belly but didn't break eye contact.

"I don't care if you kept it from me, I'm just happy I might be pregnant!" I said excitedly, he smiled as he caressed my belly.

"Well, your scent will change when your two weeks, we can actually find out for sure in one week" He said, I groaned in frustration. Is it to much to ask to know if your carrying a living being in your stomach?!

"I really want to know now" I said as I laid my head on his shoulder, I looked at him suddenly as a question popped into my head.

How would my pregnancy go?

"How would my pregnancy go... you know if I'm pregnant" I said, he smiled as he took my hands into his larger ones. I want to kiss him but my mouth kind of taste like vomit, so that would be bad if we kissed.

"First of all, you'll have me by your side the whole pregnancy, so don't worry about that" He said as he rocked me slowly, it was soothing and it helped with my active mind.

"Second of all, If you aren't pregnant, we'll try again, but let's face the facts Lilac" He said with a laugh, "We had sex twice, both times we didn't use protection, there is a good chance you are indeed pregnant" He said as he looked down at me.

I felt another blush come over my cheeks, I buried my face into his shoulder in embarrassment. But I'll admit it, my mate knows his way around in the bedroom, I can't believe he's all mine, I can't believe I might be carrying his child.

This pregnancy will have its ups and its downs, but one thing I'm actually excited about is the extra bedroom action, but morning sickness is a down, but I don't care how bad anything is in pregnancy, I'll do it for my baby.

"I guess I should wash out my mouth" I said, dad laughed as he helped me off the side of the tub, I walked to the sink and brush my teeth and used mouthwash. I turned around and wrapped my arms around my father's neck, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love you" I said in a whisper, he smiled as he leaned down to kiss me on the lips, this kiss wasn't hot and heated, it was sweet and passionate. I suddenly wanted to feel him inside of me again, I wanted to feel our bodies rub against each other, I wanted to moan his name again.

"I bet I love you more" He said with a goofy smile on his face, I smiled seductively at him, I pushed my chest into his to get my point across. To get my point across that I wanted him. He apparently got it because his eyes darkened.

"Prove it then"


I curled into my father's side as he wrapped an arm around my sweaty and bare body, my breathing was labored and so was my father's, I still felt the tingle in my lower region from my climax that he brought me to.

I turned my head to look at him, I couldn't help but admire his perfect figure, how was I so lucky for him to mate me? And love me even though there was so many things wrong with what we were doing, he turned and looked at me with a true smile on his face as he kissed my forehead.

"I think I proved it, and I think I proved your a loud moaner also" He said with a chuckle, I rolled my eyes as I laid my head on his warm shoulder.

"I'm not a loud moaner" I said defiantly, he smirked as he rose an eyebrow at me, he leaned into my ear and sucked on my earlobe, I let out a gaspy moan.

"You moaned my name quite loud if I remember correctly" He said lowly, he pulled back and looked at me, I rolled my eyes but I felt my cheeks redden and my ears heat up in an intense blush. He turned over on his back again and pulled me closer.

"So, lets talk about baby stuff" He said calmly, I smiled as I turned over on my back also. There was so much stuff I wondered about, just wait until I get big or should I say fat?

"I'm going to get so fat" I said in a whine, he rolled his eyes but didn't stop staring at the ceiling.

"The word your looking for is pregnant" He said, I rolled my eyes like again, I put my hands on my belly under the covers and let a smile take over my lips at the thought of being pregnant and carrying such a big loud for 9 months!

"How will the birth go, That's the only question I wonder about, because hopefully you'll be there for me" I said, he scoffed as he put his hands on my hands which were on my belly.

"Of course I'll be there, I think you'll get tired of me actually" He said, I let out a light laugh at his assumption, I then shook my head as to tell him no.

"And when you go into labor hopefully we can do this like your birth, a neighboring pack helped last time and sent their pack doctor to be a temporary care-giver, I believe we can do that this time" He said, I nodded as I looked up at the ceiling in a daze. I can't believe I might be pregnant!

"I think this is going to be exciting, a little baby running around" I said, he smiled as he looked at me.

"Amongst other things, that will be fun too" He said, I raise my eyebrow in question to his statement. Amongst other things? What?

He looked at me and his smiled widened, "You know, your going to be all hormonal and your stomach going to be large and let's not forget about your breast" He said, my eyes widened in surprise.

"Really? And the hormones are going to be... Interesting" I said, he looked at me and smirked as he started to caress my stomach carefully.

"Just admit it, you can't wait to be all emotional and try to jump my bones 24/7" He said with a smile on his face, I rolled my eyes at him yet again as I snuggled in to him and closed my eyes.

"I'm excited to carry our pups, and have a family of my own" I said sleepily, he started to rock me slowly as he kissed my forehead again.

"I'm excited for you to carry our pups also"


Q. Do y'all want a time skip of one week just so we can get there faster?

Next chapter I will try to fit in an Alex or Mason P.O.V how does that sound?

I think y'all already know about the whole pregnancy, so just act surprised the next chapter!

School is about to start... I think I'm going to cry! ;*(

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