Chapter 13

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Landon P.O.V

I listened to Lilac's soft pattering of her heart and her light breathing, her hand was still resting on my head and my head on her breast. After doing something so amazing with Lilac, I couldn't fall asleep, partly because my wolf keeps on talking about how we mated our daughter.

Her moans were permanently wedged in my brain, the sound was glorious to me, the fact that I actually mated with Lilac was glorious to me. Lilac wasn't half as wild as her mother, she was innocent and gentle, not to mention that her body was glorious too.

Of course my wolf had to take over, I pretty sure if I didn't let him take over he would have taken over by force, even though I wanted to mate Lilac, I was mad with my wolf, how could he have done something so stupid and insecure, I just can't let Lilac know about my superstitions.

'How could you have done something so stupid, Wolf?' I asked angrily, my wolf whimpered slightly at my tone of voice, I closed my eyes so I could calm myself, I didn't want to wake up Lilac.

'I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight' He said quietly, I looked up at Lilac, her face was calm and gentle while she was sleeping, I then turned my head to look at her stomach. Her hand tightened on my head slightly when I moved, I smiled at her actions.

'You weren't thinking straight? Our daughter might be pregnant because you didn't use protection!' I said angrily, my wolf huffed out a sigh of frustration. I wasn't going to tell him that I was actually kind of happy that she might have conceived my pup, I've always wanted more kids, even after Lydia found out she was infertile after giving birth to Lilac.

'I know, it was an accident, but you can't say you aren't kind of happy that Lilac might be pregnant' He said, I mentally nodded to him.

'But, we don't know if she is pregnant, we just have to stay quiet for now and see if the signs show up, alright Wolf?' I said seriously, he sighed before nodding his bug, furry head. I looked down at Lilac's stomach, I lightly put my hand on it.

My child might be in there! How could I have possibly gotten my daughter pregnant, well she might not be pregnant, but secretly I was hoping she was. I wanted another kid, I have always wanted more kids even though Lilac is all I need.

Lilac stirred in her sleep, I quickly took my hand away from her stomach and snuggled back into her breast, they were actually quiet comfy and soft. Lilac let out a sleepy laugh, she ran her hand through my hair lightly as she stretched.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" She asked sleepy, she rested her hand on my arm and rubbed gently, it helped soothe my worries of getting her pregnant, maybe I am just paranoid. I didn't get her pregnant, she didn't conceive my child

"I can't sleep, sorry I woke you" I said quickly, Lilac lightly shook her head as she looked down at my figure, a smile spread across her lips and a giggle escaped, I looked up at her smiling face and rose an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't know my breast were a pillow" Lilac said laughing, I chuckled as I moved onto the pillow. Lilac frowned and I frowned in return.

"I never said I didn't like you laying there" She said laughing again, I rolled my eyes as I placed my head on her breast again, Lilac smiled as she brought her hands up to run them through my hair again. I closed my eyes and let myself relax.

I didn't get her pregnant

I opened my eyes as I looked up at Lilac, "Do you regret it?" I ask. Lilac's eyes snapped open, her eyes widened slightly as she shook her head, her fingers ran up and down my arm in a relaxing way.

"I loved it, it was better than I expected, it makes me want to do it all over again" She whispered, I looked up at her with a smile on my face, I rolled over onto my hands and knees above her.

"And who says we can't do it again?" I asked lowly, Lilac giggled as she spread her legs so I could get between them.

Let's just say, we didn't get that much sleep.


Mason P.O.V -Landon's Brother-

The pentagram and the potion were all ready, the dead body of Alex was in the middle of the pentagram. I glanced at William who was watching from afar, I opened the spell book and flipped to the needed page.

"It's going to get bright, might want to cover your eyes" I said with a smirk, I read over the words before stretching out my arms towards Alex, and I carefully started to recite the words.

"Quem suscitavit a mortuis hunc perduc" I recited in Latin, the pentagram glowed a golden color before dying out.a

"Si dicebam: Narrabo denuo" The pentagram glowed the same tone of golden but didn't die out this time... It was working.

Alex's body twitched, William smiled at his response to the spell.

"Essentia et vita ejus post obitum corporis" I said, the pentagram glowed brighter by the minute, the beta backed up and shielded his eyes, I smirked at his reaction.

I repeated the spell 2 more times, and by the time I had finished the spell, Alex was healed and conscious, he looked around in confusion before his eyes landed on his beta, the beta waved at his alpha in kindness.

I walked over to him with the potion that finishes off the spell. It was basically a mix of his hair and blood to keep him alive, I handed him the bottle with the concoction in it.

"Drink that and then we'll explain" I said darkly, he nodded before examining the contents and then tipping the bottle on his lips to drink it slowly.

He was dirty and needed to change his clothes, the scars from the healed cuts and slashes showed clearly on his pale skin, his hair was tinted red from his dried blood. He looked truly disgusting.

"We brought you back to life, Alex" William said, I nodded before sitting down on the ground across from him, he looked down at his hands then he looked at his Beta in confusion, Alex frown when reality of what happened hit him.

"I got killed? By who?" He asked slowly, I nodded to his Beta to ask explain the whole dilemma to him, the Beta nodded before looking his Alpha with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Landon, you remember right? You wanted his daughter, you still want her... right?" I watched as William questioned his Alpha's memory, that alpha looked up and nodded his head slowly. Alex's eyes darkened at the memories that flooded his brain.

"Yeah I remember, I wanted to finally mate somebody and have a Luna for my pack, and I chose Lilac, then Landon killed me... That bastard" He said darkly.

"I will get Lilac, even if it means killing her father" He said, I looked at him with a smirk as I stood up and brushed my pants off.

"Well, I might be able to help you with the whole mating process... Let me explain" I said as I moved closer to him.


Did you guys like that chapter? It was one of those chapter that I personally didn't like, but as long as you guys like it, I'm good!

What do you guys think about Lilac possibly being pregnant? Because Landon didn't use a condom ;) Do you think she is pregnant? Do you want her to get pregnant?

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Next update should be in 1-2 days!

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