Chapter 23

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 Warning: Sexual Content Is In This Chapter

Lilac P.O.V

I was officially one month pregnant today! I was excited even though I knew I would be excited every time I hit marks such like this. In other words I was 4 weeks pregnant, and my mate has been so protective of me, it was still shocking to me that I was pregnant with my father's baby, but the shock of our mating and marking has worn off.

Over these two weeks we have been talking about moving more and more, and I have officially fell in love with the whole idea. If it meant keeping my baby safe and my future babies safe, then I would do it. We aren't doing anything extravagant so we are starting off with an apartment, and then as our family grows we will move to a house.

I want to move now since I'm not that big yet, and all I have it a tiny bump that you can't notice unless my shirt is seriously tight. Even though my father couldn't see the bump, he didn't stray from showing love to our baby, every morning he would get on his knees and kiss the tiny, unnoticeable bump.

I sat up straight in bed and stretched, I turned and looked at my mate and smiled when I saw him sleeping soundly. He wouldn't be sleeping much longer though, because every time I moved to get up, he would wake up.

I swung my feet over the side of the bed, but I never got to stand up because the familiar warm arms wrapped around my waist, and soft lips settled upon my collar bone. A smile came over my lips as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

My mates lips soon attacked my mark, I released a moan as the sudden urge to turn around and jump him came over me. I scooted back a little as he pulled my hips back, and kept on kissing my mark. A sexual fire settled between my legs, burning like a wild fire.

The urge to be intimate with him was almost irresistible, I wanted him so bad already. My hormones haven't amped up yet, but I could tell they surely will be in a few weeks or even a few days. I haven't had sex with him in about two weeks, and I need him to 'satisfy' this burning between my legs.

I wasn't really a person for morning sex, so I'll settle down for now, but when nighttime comes I think I'm going to practically jump him. I think I can handle it for now though, but don't blame me when I jump him randomly when it is bed time.

I move away as I turn around to face him, I smile even more when I see his dangerous dark eyes staring back at me. I lean forward and kissed him softly, but he quickly turned that into me being under him and his restrained member grinding against my restrained wetness.

His lips were still firmly planted on mine as he grinded into me more, I broke the kiss as I tilted my head back and let out a moan. I knew he wanted me, he wanted me under him moaning his name in a sweat as he thrust into me, but now wasn't the time.

It was clear his wolf was letting off some sexual steam, or at least he wanted to let off some sexual steam. I did too, my wolf wanted to mostly as she was purring for him to take us, I knew she could talk to him through mind-link, she could probably tell him all about her desires and fantasies.

I sat up on my elbows and shook my head slowly, I soon sat up in a full sitting position as I say his eyes darken even more. I cupped his cheeks in one hand and smiled at him.

"Not now, Okay?" He sighed but rolled off from above me, he looked at my belly and smiled as he rested a hand on the tiny bump, you couldn't see it but you could surely feel it, where the bump was it was hard, but not hard as rock.

"Your one month pregnant, and that also means we ride into the city and look for apartments" He said smiling, I nodded as I stood up and walked into the bathroom to start the shower water, once I started the shower, I walked to my room where my clothes were, and picked out something to wear.

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