Chapter 33

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Lilac P.O.V

After signing every single paper known to man, we could actually get down to the important stuff. Which was talking about the apartment rules, telling us about important dates and services they provide when you pay your bills on time or live there for a certain amount of time.

The place was absolutely gorgeous! We were about to tour the apartment after the lady got done telling us all this apartment related things. I was tired and agitated a little, the lady knew Landon and I were together but she was trying so hard to look sexy just to get attention from Landon.

If this whore keeps on staring at Landon like he is her last meal...

I knew Landon felt all my agitation through our bond, Landon was starting to get annoyed by the fact that she was bothering me so much and if I knew him well enough, I'd think he has a plan up his sleeve. Landon looked at me and rubbed his hand over mine, the lady was currently bent over trying to 'get the key' to our apartment.

More like trying to get laid...

The lady, whose name is Ashley, sat back down in the seat across from us at her desk. Ashley put the key on the folder with the signed papers and smiled at us.

"So, what brings you to our small little town?" She ask, Landon looked at me and smiled, but I saw through his facade, he was about to say something to completely throw this lady off guard. I rolled my eyes as I turned my head to the side.

"My wife and I decided to move after we found out we were expecting our first child" Landon said calmly, I turned to look at him wide eyed, he looked at me wand sent me a wink. I felt my face redden into a blush. Ashley turned to look at me, she tried so hard to hide her glare but she failed miserably, her hate shown clear on her face, hate that she tried to conceal with a smile.

"Your pregnant?" She asked stiffly, I nodded my head carelessly. My wolf snickered in my head at her reaction, she felt proud that Landon just flaunted us in front of a woman who was trying so hard to get his attention... and possibly his dícks attention.

"Oh, well congratulations" She said, Ashley stood up as she walked over to the door. Landon turned to me and smirked, I rolled my eyes again as I stood up. Ashley eyed my stomach as I walked over to the door, when she noticed I saw her staring she quickly snapped her head up and smiled at me.

"Shall we tour the apartment now?" Ashley asked, Landon and I nodded in unison. She lead the way to an apartment that wasn't that far from the office of the apartments, but it also wasn't close to the office. I walked slowly, the tiredness and the walking were really getting to me, Landon walked at my pace even though he could have walked so much faster than me.

"Are you OK?" Landon asked as he stopped walking all together, I looked at him and forced a smiled. I was exhausted and I felt like taking a nap, Landon frowned at me in return. I sighed as I laid my head on his chest, I didn't care that Ashley would see us cuddling.

"I'm just tired" I say, he sighs as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. I pull back and pecked him on the lips, before raising my eyebrow at him.

"Really? You called me your wife" I said with a smile, Landon shrugged as he sent me a sexy smirk. Ashley had now stopped and was waiting farther ahead but I could seriously care less.

"What? I can't call you my wife?" He asked stubbornly, I rolled my eyes as I switched feet. Landon raised his eyebrow in question as he pulled me closer into his chest.

"I'm not your wife" I say monotonously, Landon laughed as he kissed my neck, he sucks on my mark and was successfully rewarded with a moan from my mouth. His warm breath met my air in a soothing stream, he kissed below my ear.

"Not yet at least" He said, I pulled back again as I looked at him wide eyed. I felt the blush come over my cheeks as Landon smiled down at me, I rolled my eyes again as I stepped back with my head down, trying to hide the blazing, red fire on my face.

"You're crazy" I say as I start walking towards Ashley's direction. Landon jogged up to my side with a laugh, he entwined our fingers together on reflex. I felt a smile come over my lips at the gesture, but it soon turned into a glare as I caught Ashley glaring at our entwined hands.

Gosh, I just want to rip her throat out...

Ashley quickly took the key out when she noticed she had been caught, she unlocked the door and stepped to the side. I walked in and internally groaned, there was stairs that lead up to the first floor and I actually wanted to cry at this new-found information.

"It comes fully furnished, and all kitchen appliances are already installed" Ashley stated as she walked up the stairs, I walked up the stairs to see a nice, furnished living room and a hall way that lead to a spacious kitchen. The kitchen had a bar set up around the sink that could come in handy at times, there was another hallway that lead to a bedroom and acroos the hall from there was another bedroom.

The nursery would be the one across from the first bedroom and the first bedroom, if you could guess, is Landon and I's bedroom. Ashley smiled as she finished showing us the bathroom.

"I hope you like it, and if you have any questions, please come to the office" Ashley said," I will leave you guys to it now" She said, she down the stairs and closed the door. I let out a sigh of relief as I plopped down the couch.

Landon sat down and rubbed his hand over my belly, "You can go and take a nap, I'll bring all the boxes in and then we can start unpacking tomorrow" Landon suggested, I shook my head as I sat up and placed a hand on my swollen belly. 

"I want to help you" I said stubbornly, I placed another hand on my back as I felt an ache coming on. Landon shook his head in finality, put his hands on my back and start rubbing soothing circles on my back, I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes.

"Fine" I said sleepy, I guess taking a nap would be best. I didn't want to meet a Alpha while I was tired and hormonal, which usually meant I was in a bad mood. I will help Landon unpack tomorrow, and hopefully I'll have more energy than I do now, being pregnant was an as* kicker in the first trimester.

I stood up and walked into the bedroom, I was thanking the moon goddess that this place was already furnished. I climbed in the bed and let out a sigh as I sank into the cool mattress, I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body.


The banner to the side/top is absolutely horrible because I made it!

I'm so sorry I didn't update! I have been over loaded with school and other lifely things! I know this chapter is sucky and short but I plan on writing something better over the weekend! Tomorrow is Friday!

Some of you have been wanting Lilac to be pregnant with twins and I really don't know because there is always that one person who says it is too cliche... but then again it is my book.... so fück off!

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