Chapter 15

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Lilac's P.O.V

It has been a week since I mated and marked with my father.

I felt everything he felt, and he felt everything I felt, the urge to touch him was stronger than ever and I'm pretty sure the same goes for him. I had so many urges that I wanted my father to ease for me, there was so many things my wolf was telling to me to do on instinct.

Make love to him. Love him. Kiss him. Carry his pups. Support him

I couldn't help it, even if I didn't want to do any of those things, I still had the urges to do them and eventually they would happen. But I didn't have a problem with any of them.

He was so gentle and caring when he made love to me. I love him with all my heart, I can't hate at all, all I can do is love him. I've already kissed him and we weren't even marked to each other and I liked it. I would love to carry his pups, I want kids and I want to reproduce with my mate.

My mate... Also known as my father now.

I just don't know if he wants to reproduce with me, I just think that because I'm his daughter he doesn't want me to carry his pups, I want to carry his pups, maybe the situation wont come up till I actually bring it up, maybe we need to talk about it first.

But, what if I bring it up, and he says he doesn't want me to gestate our pups, I don't know how I'll take it. Maybe I shouldn't bring it up and just let fate do its job. If I get pregnant, I get pregnant, and if I don't get pregnant or he doesn't want me to get pregnant... then I won't have children, the thought made me sick to the stomach.

I put my hand over my mouth as I felt the vile taste travel up my throat, I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom in my room. I didn't quite make it as some of it got on my clothes, but the rest made it into the toilet. I didn't think I'd feel better till my third bout!

"Lilac?" The familiar deep voice was drowned in worry as the bathroom door burst open.

"Oh god, Lilac" He said, he lifted my hair as he rubbed my back comfortingly, he whispered sweet nothings into my ear, but nothing could make me feel any better, I felt like complete and utterly crap. I finally pulled back and sat on my ankles.

I felt tears slip out of my eyes as I started crying, I felt his warm arms circle around me as I cried louder, I didn't know why I was crying, maybe thinking about not being able to conceive our pups set me off. I pulled back slightly as I felt another bout coming...

It was another 10 minutes until my stomach felt stable, dad got up and went into my room to get me more clothes while I sat on the floor in the bathroom weeping silently, maybe I should talk to him about it.

He came back with my clothes and handed them to me, he helped me stand up before taking my shirt off for me and throwing it onto the ground, I took the shirt and place it over my head and did the same with the pants, when I was done I sat on the tub and he sat beside me.

When I looked at him, his eyes held a knowing look as if he knew what was going on, but I pushed it off as him worrying about me. I rested my head on his shoulder as I looked down at my lap where my thumbs twiddled each other.

"Lilac, I know there is more to this than just getting sick, what's wrong?" He said, I shook my head as the tears started to fall again, he took my chin into his hand and tilted my head up so he could look into my eyes. His face was contorted in worry, and a frown played on his lips.

"It's stupid, just forget about" I said, I looked back down at my lap as the tears streamed down my face. How am I crying about getting pregnant? It's just a freakin' baby, right?

"No, it isn't stupid, if it is making you cry then it must be important, I don't like seeing you cry" He said in sorrow, I let out a shaky sigh as I look up at him again. Am I really about to tell him the real reason I'm crying? Well, not like I can lie, he'll be able to tell and feel it through the mate bond.

"I want to get... P-pregnant" I said slowly, His face paled as soon as I finished my sentence, I felt a blush creep up my cheeks slowly. I knew he didn't want me pregnant, I wanted so many kids and my dream was just crushed.

"See I told you it was-" I was cut off by dad pulling me into him more and taking my hands into his, I gasped as he smiled down at me.

"Lilac, I want you pregnant too!" He said ecstatically, my eyes widened as I looked down up at him, I soon found myself smiling from ear to ear at his revelation. He wants me pregnant! My mate wants me pregnant!

"But, I think we should talk about that" He said seriously, I frowned at his serious tone. I don't like where this is going.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask slowly, he gave me a sheepish smile as he pulled me closer, if that was even possible.

"I uh... Think your already pregnant" He say quickly, but I caught every single word, I heard them quite clearly, I looked at him in shock as I looked down at me belly.

"You think I'm pregnant?"


Alright....Alright. I know what you guys are thinking.

'HOW THE HECK CAN HE TELL HER ONE WEEK LATER?' Well.... lets just say I'm not good at keeping secrets, I also didn't like the fact that he was keeping a secret from the person carrying the child, so I thought I would just change that a little!

Also, I know there is going to be one person who say, 'It's too early for pregnancy signs to show up!'

Well actually, you people are wrong! Every pregnancy is different and this one is different, and plus, pregnancy signs can show up as early as a few days after conception or even 2 weeks later!

This is also my book about werewolves, are y'all werewolves? Nope! So how can you know about werewolf pregnancy, crap, how can I know about them?!

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Q. Is Landon her mate? A.Yes, because they marked each other

Q. Is Alex he Ex-Mate in a way A.You'll have to wait and find out

Q. Does this book have a sequel A. Yep! I just decided it will have one today!

Forbidden DesiresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora