Chapter 28

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Lilac P.O.V

I was horny and desperate

It has been three days since we have talked to Mason, and those three days have been filled with Landon and I talking about his Alpha Blood, it has also been filled with how this Alpha Blood will effect me during the pregnancy.

Turns out that this pregnancy was going to double in everything! I was going to be carrying for six months instead of nine months, I was going to have double the hormones, and apparently since the baby had Alpha Blood and I didn't, I was going to get stronger.

I was going to practically share power with my baby!

Landon has been careful not to say anything too stressful, he didn't want me to blow my fuse and hurt myself and the baby, I didn't want to hurt the baby because everything was just too hard to swallow right now. I needed to be mature for me and my child, I needed to be an adult.

And that is why I felt so desperate, but the shock was starting to go away. I was finally able to look at Landon the same, I wasn't going to take any chances with a werewolf who had Alpha Blood when I was pregnant, but I wasn't worried, I knew Landon wouldn't hurt me.

I could tell the extra sex drive was starting to settle in, on top of all the other drama in my life right now, I've had time to actually admire Landon's body even more. I wanted to try something new in our sex life, we haven't had sex since the day we went to town.

Don't get me wrong, I loved our sex life, Landon made me feel like I couldn't live without sex sometimes. His body tempted me, it brought dirty thoughts to my mind and made my core drip in excitement. I wanted to try something new though.

I wanted to give him a blow job

I was nervous and scared and had no idea how to actually 'do it'. What if he didn't like it? I'd be so embarrassed if he didn't like it, but I wanted to do it. I was going to find a way to get him 'in' the bedroom, which wouldn't be that hard if I could seduce him.

I sat up from my slouched position on the couch and wrapped the blanket around myself tighter. Landon was currently in the shower and for me to not be in there with him took a lot of persuading, but he eventually gave up and got in the shower.

I rubbed my hand over my belly as a frown settled upon my face, I already felt fat and my belly wasn't even big yet! Maybe it was the hormones and feeling the tiny bump that made me feel like this, but either way, I still felt fat even though I wasn't.

I stood up and walked up the stairs to the bedroom, or Landon's bedroom, or our bedroom... I haven't decided what to refer to it if you couldn't tell, but I was getting there.

I walked into the room right when Landon was walking out of the bathroom. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at his bare chest, water dripped off his hair tempting me to run my fingers through it, his towel hung dangerously low on his hips tempting me even more to just rip it off.

God, I wanted him so bad right now.

He turned to look at me with a smirk on his face, his light brown eyes scanned over my body before he started to walk over to me. I didn't care that I would get wet, I wanted him and nothing would stop me from getting him.

When he finally reached me and wrapped his arms around me, I could literally feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the second. My shirt was instantly damp where his chest touched but I didn't care as I ran my fingers through his wet hair and kissed him.

My hands trailed down to his hips where the towel hung basically telling me to take it off, and I did just that. The towel fell at his feet, Landon stiffened as his eyes found mine. His eyes were no longer brown and soft, they were black and dangerous.

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