Pregnant • Grayson

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Your p.o.v~

I sat in the toilet seat, my leg bouncing up and down, waiting for the timer to go off. I grabbed my phone and checked it,


The timer went off and I practically threw my phone on the counter and turned over the 6 tests in front of me, I did so many to make sure.

5/6 of the tests were positive. Finally, me and gray have been trying for a baby for the past couple of months, we have always wanted kids and after being married for a year we decided to start trying.

I wanted to tell Grayson in a special way, I checked the time, I had about 2 hours till he was home from filming and stuff with his twin brother Ethan.

I decided to go down stairs to the hall and hang up some fairy lights and hand polaroids of me and Graysons first day, prom day, wedding day and random ones as well. I took one of my belly from the side and put all of the 5 positive tests in a dox with the picture on top of the box. I put the box on the little table and the end of the hall and in the box put a little boat that said,

You'll make an amazing daddy;)

I smiled at the sight in front of me, i checked my phone, 1 hour to go. I walked upstairs and put Riverdale in my laptop and rubbed my hand over my stomach. Wow, in 9 months me and Gray will have our own little boy or girl.

Soon I hear the front door slam and the jingle of keys.

"Baby? You home?!"

Grayson calls out through the house as I get up and flick the fairy lights switches, lighting up the hall and standing behind the table.


He cuts himself off and looks upon the wall. His eyes travel all over the Polaroid's, a smile falls upon his beautiful face. He eventually reaches the table and looks up at me, I smile and he gives me a confused look, until I nod down to the box. He looks at the picture, then back up to me.

"Uhh Y/N wha-"

"Grayson Bailey Dolan just open the fucking box"

I say rolling my eyes while giggling, he laughs and surrenders before opening the box and dropping the lid on the floor out of shock. Ha looks up at me, tears brim both of our eyes as he pushes the table out the way and picks me up, spinning me round. He eventually puts me down and holds me in his arms.

"Omg y/n we're going to be parents, I love you so much your so talented for creating our little bundle of joy inside you- wow just wow,"

He said putting a hand on your stomach, I sigh and put my hand on top of his.

"Hay it takes two to make a baby, so thank you as well baby"

We stay there for a while, just in each other's embrace, smiling our asses off.

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