15• Grayson

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{not mine, from tumblr💍}

2nd persons p.o.v~

You and Grayson were teen parents at the age of 15. At such a young age, the fact that your body was charging so much didn't sit well with you. You wouldn't even be able to fit into your biggest pair of jeans, which made you self conscious and hate you body.

Honestly gray hated it so much. He saw pregnancy as this beautiful thing. Bringing a little person into the world. Half himself and half the person he loves.

"Stop you look beautiful, look we can just tie it with a hair tie and we will go shopping for new CLOTHES TODAY!" Gray would be an absolute mess when it came to tears.

"Gray look at me I'm so fat now I'm only four months and cant even fit in my jeans! I'm a whale!"

"No no you are carrying my baby and nothing is more beautiful to me then seeing my baby inside you. You truly are the most beautiful woman on this earth pregnant or not, but especiallyp pregnanr." With soft lips against your lips begging you to just listen to him.

"This is normal and we'll go shopping today and get you some maternity jeans and guess what? You'll still be the prettiest girl around."

"Even in mom jeans?"

"Especially in mom jeans."

Dolan Twins ~ One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora