School • Ethan

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Your p.o.v~

School is shit, there I said it. It is absolutely the worst thing in my life, and if it wasn't for my boyfriend Ethan Dolan, I probably would have dropped out by now.

Me and Ethan have been dating for about 2 years and a half, we honestly couldn't be happier. We were kinda friends before, well when I say kinda friends I mean that our friendship groups were close and me and Ethan instantly clicked. We soon started dating and we couldn't be happier, I couldn't be happier.

I walked down the crowed halls, my doc martens squeaked a bit on the floors as I fiddled with the necklace on my neck, the one Ethan bought me for our 1 year anniversary, The wring he bought me for our 2 year anniversary was on my finger. I pushed my way through all the fake ass hoes {I ain't sorry about it} and I finally reached my locker, only to see my boyfriend leaned up against it. I smiled and he noticed me, pushing himself off the locker as I was now stood in front of him. He placed his hands in my waist and I leaned up, placing a kiss on his lips. We pull away and he smiles,

"Hay baby, what's up?"

"Hay Eth, uhhh I just don't want to be here"

I say and eye roll, slamming my locker and letting out a big sigh as Ethan pulls me in for a hug, kissing my forehead. The bell goes and I groan,

"Hay, at least we have first period together."

He smiles and intertwines our hands, pulling me into the physics classroom.

We get to our seats and I see that our desk had an extra table, I just sit in the middle and Ethan on the other side as he slyly grabs my hand under the table. Just as class was about to start, a tall beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes walks in, by the look of her outfit, she was just asking for attention, I mean not to be a bitch but her boobs are about to pop out of her top!

"Okay class, we have a new student, this is lexi and she will be sitting best to you miss y/l/n, okay?"

The teacher says and I fake smile and raise my hand, the one that Ethan isn't holding onto under the table. I see this lexi girl smirk at Ethan but before I can say anything, Ethan squeezes my hand in reassurance.

All through the class, I could see lexi staring at Ethan and pushing her boobs together, I could tell Ethan was uncomfortable so when she leaned over me to reach a pen form Ethan desk, her cleavage was on show and Ethan being the respectful man he is, he just looked away. I quickly put my hand on his thigh and he looks up, smiling and quickly kissing my cheek when no ones looking.

The bell goes and me and Ethan go out separate ways, sharing a kiss then walking off.

•Time Skip to lunch•

It got to lunch, my favourite part of the day, but wen I was waking to my table where I usually sit, I see lexi, sitting next to MY MAN. Not on my watch bitch.

I walk over and sit in the other seat next to Ethan and he garner noticed me yet, but lexi keeps touching his arm and laughing, I can tell Ethan was uncomfortable and I had to do something. I whisper in Ethan's ear,

"Swap places with me baby?"

I say and he turns and smiles, nodding while he gets up and we switch places. As we sit down I shoot lexi s fake ass smile and Ethan puts his hand on my thigh. After Lexis sorry attempts to flirt I finally had enough, so I grab Ethan's face, and smash my lips onto his, fast and deeply. We continue kissing until I pull away, intertwine outlet hands and slam them on the table. By this point everyone is staring at our table and I shout.


And they all turn around. I look at lexi and she looks shocked, but I can tell you for a fact that she never flirted with Ethan again after that.

Dolan Twins ~ One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz