Scrunchie • Ethan

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Your p.o.v~

I walk down the halls and flip my long hair over my shoulder. It's starting to annoy me so I check my wrist for a hairboble but of corse, there isn't one around my wrist, great!

I walk to my locker in the hope that I had out some in there for PE. I get to my locker and out the code in, opening it to see all my books. I sigh and push them aside to look in my locker and of corse, there's none in there either.

"Where the hell? Where did they all go? I swear, why do I loose them so easily?"

I whisper to myself and slam my locker shut, beyond frustrated. I sigh and walk towards the cafeteria, looking around and locking eyes with my precious boyfriend, Ethan.

I smile and he shouts a big smile back and motions me to come over. I walk towards him and he stands up, greeting me with a big hug and he kisses my head before we sit down and I chat to my best friends who's across the table and Ethan chats to the others at our table.

I feel Ethan grab my hand and intertwine then together with his. I smile at him and place a soft kiss too his lips as I look down at our hands, only to notice a dark blue scrunchie around his wrist, MY dark blue scrunchie and suddenly I'm thanking the lords for my boyfriend.


I shout and Ethan head whips round in worry and waits for me to continue as everyone looks at us.


I ask in excitement and he chuckles, taking it off his wrist and handing it to me.

"Like everyday, I always have one in case you forget yours, your welcome btw baby girl"

He smile as I tie my hair back and hug into his chest, as he kisses the top of my head. Gosh I love this boy, he's my person.

"Ya'll are literally goals!"

My best friend exclaimed, everyone agreed even me and Ethan, because I mean she's not wrong, but we're also just in love.

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