Baby Mama • Grayson

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Your p.o.v~

I walk down the halls of my high school, I place on hand on my stomach and sigh, running it a little. I was pregnant, 17 and pregnant to be Pacific, and the daddy couldn't be happier. You may be thinking as to why my baby daddy is happy that I'm pregnant? Well we didn't mean for it to happen but I guess when it did and when we spoke about it, we decided that it was  actually an amazing gift to have this opportunity.

I walk to my locker and put in the code, opening it and placing some of the books in it. I look at the pictures of me and Grayson on my locker, smiling and placing a hand on my stomach. I look around and see that the hall is kind of empty, but there is a few people. I turn back to my locker and I feel a pair of arms snake around my waist and kiss the back of my head before whispering in my ear.

"Hay baby mama"

Grayson says and I burst out laughing. He places his hands on my stomach and giggles in my ear. Of you couldn't tell already I'm pregnant, oh let me rephrase that, I'm a teen mom. I'm only 17 and Grayson is 18, but I was so nervous to tell him because he's such a big YouTube influencer with his twin brother Ethan, so I was scared that he would leave me because of his "reputation".

Thankfully, when I told him, he understood and told me that no matter what, he was staying by my side.

"Baby mama? Seriously?"

I giggle and he nods, pulling me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, placing his hand on my stomach. I'm about 1 and a half month in and there's a ever so small bump starting to show in the flat stomach, Grayson loves it.

I smile and look up at him, wondering what I did to deserve such an amazing boyfriend and "baby daddy".

"I love you y/n"

"I love you more Bailey"

I say and get out of his grip before I start to run Dow the hall to get away from him because I know he hates beating called his middle name, Bailey. He shouts for me and I giggle, I start to get out of breath so I stop and lean over a bit, placing my hand on my stomach.

I turn around, expecting to see Grayson still chasing me but no, I see Mackenzie walking towards me, Graysons ex. We weren't on best terms, after all I'm am now carrying his baby. Her heels clicked on the floor annoyingly as she saw me and smirked, stoping in front of me.

"Well well we'll, if it isn't the slut in the sentry!"

Kenzie states and I roll my eyes, ready to ounce in the bitch but then remember one minor detail, in pregnant so I can't. 

"Always a pleasure Kenzie but I'm really not looking to start drama just because your jealousy that I'm caring your ex's baby"

I say with a sweet, but fake ass fuck smile. She rolls her eyes and scowled at me, but all I was think was where the fuck is Grayson?

"look, listen here slut! Grayson adores me and he always will. Your just one of his mistakes and when that baby pops out, he will want nothing to do with you. Trust me, he's 18, you really think he would drop it all for you? Yeah well think again whore"

She says and but now I was beyond pissed. She had stepped over the line and I was about to slap her so heard, but I stopped myself because I knew if the consequences, so I opted for the next best thing.

"Look Mackenzie, I don't know who the hell you think you are or what type of authority's o say that to me but your missing one thing. The fact that Grayson loves me, but he never loved you. He has more love for me and our unborn child than he ever had for you. Oh, and I'm not a slut, because before I met Grayson I was a virgin, where as you have slept with just about every guy in our year and every weekend you open your legs for someone new. So don't you DARE stand there and call me a slut, when we both know that that's not true"

I say and her eyes widen in shock as she processed what I've just told her. I cross my arms across my stomach and smirk as I feel a tall presence behind me, wrapping their arm around my waist and standing next to me. Kenzie looks at me and then at Grayson and looks defeated, I look up and Grayson and he looks so pissed, jaw clenched and all.

"Never, I repeat never disrespect my baby mama. Just because you can't Handel our love for each other, didn't mean that you have to be a bitch alright, bye"

Grayson says then pulls me away, giggling and kissing my forehead. He then stops me, turns me around to face him and he bends down, kissing my stomach. I hear Kenzie store away and huff. Grayson comes back up and we laugh, connecting our lips and think about how much we love each other.

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