Angel • Ethan

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Ethan's p.o.v

She walked into class with that smile on her face, the one she always wore that could light up a room. Her skin glowed and her hair flowed down her back and over her shoulders at the front abit.

Her baby pink rucksack was loosely swung over her shoulder, slightly falling but only to be picked up and placed back where it was. That gorgeous laugh slipped from her lips as she laughed at her friends jokes, running a hand through her hair.

Her outfit matched her style well, a baby pink tube top with denim ripped jeans, topped off with pink fila shoes, the does adding to her height. She had her signature 'Angel' necklace on, wearing it with pride.

She's truly beautiful

She looks forward and meets eyes with me, sending me a sweet smile, not a fake one but a genuine smile. She says a quick bye to her friends, hugging the girls and making her way to my desk.

She sits in the spare seat next to mine and places her bag down, getting out her books and placing them in the desk, trying bing and kissing me softly. We gently pulled away and I grabbed her hand, intertwining our hands together.

"Morning E"

"Morning my Angel"

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