Unbreakable smile • Ethan

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{for Lexi💋}
Ethan's p.o.v~

Lexi smiles and giggles across the table at Cameron, as my sister makes another horrible joke. We're currently visiting my parents in jersey and we planed a dinner to be held. Lexi throws her head back as my mum and her laugh and talk about me and gray as a babies, and Cameron shows her the secret album in her phone if ya cuddling each other in our sleep.

"Awww E, you and gray are so cute"

Lexi says and puts a hand over her heart. I sigh and shoot cam an annoyed look before she bursts out laughing.

"Thanks lex, but honestly we're not"

I say and the whole table laughs as the girls go back to chatting and I feel a poke on my shoulder. I turn and am meet with my dad, Sean. He pulls me toward him and whispers in my ear.

"She's a keeper, don't hurt her Ethan Grant Dolan"

He says and instead of saying something back, I pull him in for a hug. I nod into his neck and he puts my back before we pull away, and I grab my phone, replying to gray before I feel a hand on my thigh and I put my phone down, looking at lexi as she smiles at me sweetly. I place my phone down, and she pulls me in for a sweet kiss on the lips, I love how comfortable she is around my family. We pull away and she giggles before sitting back properly and moving her hand off my thigh and grabbing my hand.

"Can I borrow your phone to text my mum? Mines dead,"

She smiles and I of corse agree because she even has a fingerprint on it and I have one in hers because we trust each other and have nothing to hide. She texts her mum and hands me back my phone, before the bill comes and Lexi reaches for her bag before I stop her.

"Hay, don't be silly babe, we'll get it"

I say and my mum nods as she and my dad grab their wallets/ purses.

"Oh but ethhh, then I'll feel bad"

She sighs, but before I could say anything, my mum cuts in and puts her hand on Lexus arm to get her attention.

"It's honestly fine dear, nothing to worry about"

My mum smiles and Lexi returns it, before she slips her jacket on and we all get up, doing the same. I grab Lexis hand as we walk to my car, agreeing to meet my parents there as we took two two separate cars.

We get in and I of corse drive since it's my car, not that I don't trust lex, but it's just that I can put my hand on her thigh as I drive. Which is exactly what I'd did tonight as the radio Blares music and we scream the lyrics.

•Time Skip•

I turn to see lexi getting into my bed, she's wearing a big t-short and shorts, can she get any more adorable?

"Hay Eth"

She says and leans over to my side before falling into my bed and sighing. I laugh and pull her in and towards me, embracing her in my strong arms. She wraps her arms around my torso and rests her head in the crook of my neck, sighing once again. She looks up and we both laugh, her smile makes me smile even wider than I already was.

"You've got an unbreakable smile lexi, you know that right?"

I say and she smiles, a blush creeping up onto her cheeks as she cuddles into me closer.

"Awww you too sweet Ethan, but you do know I love you right?"

She says and we both burst out laughing, hugging each other tighter.

"Yeah I did, but I love you more my princess."

I say and kiss her fore head before we both slowly drift off into a deep sleep, together and happy forever.

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