Needy • Ethan

984 9 2

Your p.o.v~

13 missed calls
20 unread messages
4 DMs
10 Snapchat's

And Still no reply from Ethan. He's been out all day and he left before I woke up. He's taking to long to reply and I'm starting to worry, but all I can say is that I will wait until he reply's. Lately I've been all over the place, and Ethan's not been home to notice it.

I will admit that I can be needy, way to damn needy. Ethan is always needed and I just want to know how it feels to be needed. I'm gonna be passionate about my love for Ethan, but only because I over think things with my heart.

I make sure to leave hickeys and marks on him to let the other girls know that he's mine and taken, he used to return the favour, but recently he's been pushing me away.

I say sorry a lot but that's only because I'm insecure, and Ethan knows that. I need him but he's never around to help me, so I just get on with it and push it aside. But tonight I've had enough if it, the sneaking around and the waiting up.

I run upstairs to our bedroom and grab my rucksack, throwing clothes into it quickly and calling my best friend, she answered faster than I thought.

Hay girl! What's up?

Hay, Uh what you up to right now?

I'm out with my boyfriend, you remember him right?

Uh yeah, have fun love you bye

Wait wha-

I hung up before she could finish her sentence. I sigh and slip on my nikes as I heard the door open and slam shut, great he's home early.

I hate the foot steps get closer and reach the other side of the door. He opens it and walks in, head down and looking at his phone.

"Hay ba-whoa, what's going on here?"

Ethan asks, gesturing to my bag. I sigh and roll my eyes, grabbing my bag and walking up to him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't enough, that I don't satisfy you, or for saying sorry to much. Sorry for being needy"

I say and go to walk out, but before I can, Ethan grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest, resting his chin on top of my head. At first I want to pull away, until I realise that I've been eating for this for weeks. I drop my bag and wrap my arms around his torso, taking in his sent.

We pull away and I reach my hands up, wrapping them around his neck. He grabs my thigh and motions for me to jump, which I do. He catches me and we look into each other's eyes, before I smash my lips onto his. He licks my bottom lip and detaches our lips and moves to my jawline, working his way to my neck.

I pull back and he holds my up with one hand under my ass and one on my back. I smile and look at him before I speak.

"Show me how good it feels to be needed"


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