Baby? • Ethan

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Ethan's p.o.v~

Me and gray were coming home from the warehouse, it has just been out 18th birthday so we were tidying up after the party we had. There was balloons and confetti everywhere, it was an amazing party, even better cause y/n, my girlfriend organised it, I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

Grayson pulled up outside our house, my mums car and y/n's cars were already In the drive, our mum was visiting for our birthday as cam and dad were both working. I smiled and got out the car, Grayson throwing my bag at me. We reached the door and opened it, stepping into our house. Gray and me walked straight to the living room, only to find our mum and y/n sitting on our couch, y/n's head in mums lap and mum was stroking her hair, she had obviously been crying.

When we entered, y/n sat up immediately, whipping her eyes and looking at my mum. I looked over at gray and he shrugged.

"Uh, is everything okay baby? Why are you crying,"

I want to go sit down next to her but before I could, my mum stopped me, I looked at her confused then I looked at y/n and she looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"No Ethan, don't sit down."

My mum said and I stepped back.

"Look I don't know what's going on mum, but The tension is just killing me,"

Grayson said and I looked and nodded, agreeing and looking back at our mum. Our mum looked at y/n and she nodded slowly before turning back to me and gray.

"I mean it's your fault Ethan,"

"No! Please don't say that Lisa it was both of us!"

Y/n says while standing up and staying behind my mum, I frowned, wanting to know what the hell they were talking about.

"What's my fault?"

"Ethan, she's been kicked out, because she's having your baby, she's pregnant Ethan..."

My mum said and I stumbled back, no this isn't right, I though we used protection?! I feel a hand on my back and I turn around to see Grayson, wide eyed and staring at me, then I turn back around and suddenly y/n is standing right in front of me.

"Pleas E, say something"

Silence falls over our living room as I look behind me towards Grayson. His eyes were emotion less, shock was also present but his face was something I unfortunately couldn't read. I turned back to my mum and she looks disappointed, I mean we were 17 and 18, but I swear we have never had non-safe sex, not that I can remember of anyway. I turned to y/n and her face was puffy, red and tears stained her cheeks as I made eye contact with her, a slight tear slipped down my own face. The though of y/n being kicked out of her own home made me want to cry for a million years, she's a great girl and so full of life and potential, she has so much going for her in the future. Now she's having my baby, and honestly, I am so exited. Even though were young, I know I can support her through this.

She sighs, A lot more tears fall from her eyes and I quickly wipe them away and pull her by the waist into my arms. She wraps hers around my waist and I bend down and whisper in her ear-

"Baby, I love you and this isn't your fault our mine, it takes two to make a baby and you can live here, in my room and we can turn the spare room into a nursery and we will get through this I promise"

I kiss her forehead and we stay in each others arms.

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