(Incredibles) Voyd x fem (shapeshifter) reader

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You were just walking out of a cafe with Karen, your best friend since college. You guys were very close and you pretty much did everything together. You guys knew most of each others secrets, except that you're both supers, and you work together.

You exit the cafe laughing at Karen's joke. You lead her to your motorcycle and handed her a helmet. She looks a little worried as she takes it from your hand.

"Um, you sure this is alright?" She asks.

"I do this everyday. I'll go slower if you'd like." You reply. "C'mon, just put your arms around my waist and hold on. Keep your feet on the pegs, I'll do the standing when we stop at lights and stuff." You say getting on the bike and turning it on.

"O-okay." Karen gets on behind you and slowly puts her arms around you.

You get the bike going at a slow pace once you both are situated and you feel Karen tense up a bit.

"C'mon, Karen, loosen up! It's fun!" You laughed over your shoulder.

You drive her to her apartment building and drop her off.

"See, wasn't so bad!" You call to her as she gets off.

"Y-Yeah! Not that bad." She replies.

You say goodbye and stay to watch her get in the building before taking off. You're driving down a road when the radio in your comms start to go on.

"We have a break in down on South street, any available officers please call in if you'd like to handle it." A feminine voice sounds on the radio. "Suspects are armed and dangerous."

"That's my cue." You say to yourself. You make your way down to the area and before you get there, you park your bike a ways away and shift into an eagle. You fly to the area and reach the break in before the cops. You shift back and your supersuit has already appeared on your body. Edna has done a great job on it, the red and black go well with the silver logo on your chest. The logo is of a wolf head, shifting into a horse's head and then finally a falcons head, with an A in the back, standing for Animagus.

You step forward and peer into the store that was being broken into. It used to be a bank but now it's a convenience store. The burgers have blown a hole through the back wall in search of any lost money.

"I believe they would have cleaned out the last of the money before converting it." You say to get their attention.

Two men turn around and just laugh at you. They pull out some kind of advanced gun and start shooting at you. You shift into a small bird this time and fly right back out of the store. You then shift into a small fly and make your way behind the two men, shifting into a wolf just as Voyd arrives. You pounce on one as the other man goes after Voyd.

*(skip to being checked up on by Karen)*

"Hey Karen, why are you here?" You ask, parking your bike and getting off.

"Um, there was a break in nearby and I just wanted to check on you. Ya know, make sure you're okay." Karen says nervously. "Why are you only coming home now?"

"The break in. I went farther around to avoid it and traffic." You simply state. "Would you like me to drive you home again?"

"You don't have to!" Karen says shyly, raising her hands.

"Oh come on, it's alright. I don't mind!" You say.

"Alright..." Karen says, getting on. "Oh, by the way, I'm not going to be here the next week. Someone in _______ city called offering me a job down there. I'm going to advocate for supers to be legal again."

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