(Incredibles II) Voyd x (insane! Villain!) Reader

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Request by @beau_mal
Hope you like it!

Warnings: blood, death, gore, voices.

You casually walk down the side walk, it's not a normal day. Not at all. You can feel your heart beat quick, but despite that, you're happy. You feel stuck in the middle of fear and joy. You breathe a sigh of relief and try to force yourself to relax, adjusting your jacket and pulling it forward and wrapping it tighter to your stomach and chest.

You see that guy in the blue suit?

Your eyes go wide in horror and in a hushed voice you speak back. "What? No..."

To your right.

You glance to your right and sure enough, a blue suites business guy passes you, walking in the opposite direction.

It's him. He's next. Turn around casually, and follow.

You fearfully do as you're told, turning to "look" at something, before heading off in the opposite direction, following the man in the blue suit. You follow him at a distance and watch as he enters a building.

That's where he works. He'll finish up around 9 tonight. You can take him then.


You return to the building, just like it said, at 9 pm. The man walks out, unsuspecting of you. Unbeknownst to you, it's a different guy. You don't know either of them, but you do as it says out of fear of the consequences.


Once he steps out of the light, you pounce on him. He goes out cold, although you do not know how; you aren't near his head and you don't have a weapon. You just roll with it. You drag him into a car you had arrived in and drive away.


The man stirs, but he is immobilized; tied to a chair. You're pacing in one of the dark corners of the room. Your thoughts are racing. You really don't want to do it.

A whimper escapes your lips. "I don't want to..."

You must. It's his life, or the life of millions. And it's all in your hands now.

"But... I'll get in trouble." You protest.

But you have me. It's alright. Just do as you're told and nobody else gets hurt.

You walk to the man, submitting to the voice in your head. "I don't want to do this, just as much as the other guy, but..."

You drive a sharp object into his chest and watch him cough up blood.

Thaaats it...

Tears are starting to make their way to your eyes.

Don't cry. You must smile, you are doing a good deed.

You fight to force a smile on your face before the voice does something you don't want it to.

I need a good smile, or you'll just watch him suffer even more, instead of dying.

You finally end the mans life, giving into the voice, like always. You untie his body and drop him on the floor. It's a good thing you are wearing gloves. You don't want to leave any fingerprints behind, and you don't want the cops to come for you. You leave the abandoned warehouse and head to a barn near your location that's falling apart. That's your home. You lock the door with shaking hands, and curl up into a ball in one of the corners and cry. You sob, hugging your knees to your chest.

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