(Overwatch) Brigitte x (Talon) (Engineer) Reader

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Request by @FireQueen67

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You used to be an engineer for Overwatch, working closely with your best friend since little kids, Brigitte. You and her are super close, spending almost every day with each other, never growing old of each other's company.

Which leads me to the "used to" part. A while ago, Talon abducted you. They "brainwashed" you, and now, you work for them. You "don't remember" Brigitte. You're loyal to Talon, doing everything you're told, but you've never stopped thinking about Brigitte. You long for the day you can go out and see her again. But you're stuck in Talon base doing calculations and designing weapons and fixing them and playing with their toys. Most of the time, though, you're fixing machines when they break or render dysfunctional; although you do tinker around when you've got nothing to do or you're bored.

Your wish comes true as you're called on a mission by Reaper. You're to assist them in a raid, stealing new weapons and tech. You're the weapons specialist and are very useful in this type of mission. You've trained with weapons so you can defend yourself, you don't expect them to protect you out on the field like Overwatch.


You step out of the Talon drop ship, peering around to get a good look at your surroundings. You pull up your bandana as a face mask to hide your identity and being found out by Overwatch. You follow Reaper and Sombra into the building and search for the weapons and tech. The other Talon agents keeping watch for first defense.

"Alright, weapons are on a whole different floor, but the tech we need is on this one. Follow me." She says, her voice just above a whisper.

She leads you to a section of the building that just seems to get more advanced technologically. She peers into a room where a couple scientists huddle together, talking, oblivious to the incoming threat.

Reaper makes the first move, busting down the door and taking them all out. You move in and take the tech, feeling bad for the scientists who's lives were taken by Reaper. You grab different energy reactors, and other advanced tools and parts, and put them in a special box you designed using a personal breakthrough development in Nanotechnology. It makes for easy storage and transport.

"We got what we need. Let's get out." Reaper announces, turning towards the door, guns ready.

Before leaving with Reaper and Sombra, you pause, closing your eyes and sending your feelings for the scientists who's deaths were too soon.

"N/N, come on!" Reaper yells back angrily.

You rush out of the room just as Overwatch agents come around the corner. Reaper takes them out of the way and pushes his way through, you and Sombra following close on his heels. Soon enough, the real heroes come in, attacking in a formation surrounding you all. You pull your face mask up, hiding your identity to Overwatch. You hated fighting against them, but it had to be done if you wish to keep trust between you and Reaper.

"Die, die, DIE!!!" You hear Reaper shout in frustration, using his ultimate.

You duck, dodging his fire, before getting back on your feet firing at Overwatch agents. You spot Lena, Hana, Winston, Mercy, and... Brigitte.

"Whatcha lookin' at, love?" You hear the familiar Brit's voice sound from right behind you.

You spin around and duck out of the way of her attack; you may be working for Talon, but you don't want to hurt her. You resort to taking cover from her, but your cover is blown by Winston, shocking the crap out of you. You write in pain on the ground, waiting for him to stop before staggering back up and making your way back to Reaper and Sombra. You all stand back to back, firing out at the Overwatch agents. You avoid hitting them at all costs.

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