(Overwatch) Mercy x Reader (christmas)

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Request by Redraideryboi mercy x reader with a Christmas setting

Here ya go, hope you enjoy!

You readied all the presents under the Christmas tree in the rec room of the Overwatch base. Everyone was starting to file in and get settled with drinks and food. Almost everyone was dressed. Almost. Soldier was still in his uniform, and you're pretty sure his face is unchanged and he's the same boring dad as always. You hear giggling from the other side of the doorway. Hana dashes around and shoves an ugly Christmas sweater on Jack, pulling it down over his hard and arms, not bothering to shove his arms through the sleeves. She dashes away just as quickly as she came in.

Everyone turns to Jack and tries their hardest to hold back their laughter. He is wearing the ugliest of ugly Christmas sweaters you've ever seen. It's got the most Christmas barf on it as anything you've ever seen, and the best part? It. Lights. Up. You notice Hana sneak back in and quickly place a hat on his head. She presses a button before dashing out again. She has her phone around the doorway recording. Jack just stands there unmoving as the hat sings a Christmas song in the stupidest voice and wiggles on his head. He continues to stand there motionless. Everyone holds their breath, holding back laughter and waiting on his reaction. Once the hat stops singing, he takes it off gently and inspects it. Everyone is frozen, waiting for a reaction. He just sets it down and casually pulls off the sweater, continuing his cup of joe nonchalantly.

You turn back to setting up the last of the presents and you get up to get your personal present to your girlfriend, Angela. It's a small box, wrapped up in sparkly red paper with a green bow on the top. It fits in your hand perfectly. You place another gift for Angela under the tree and tie a note onto it. You hide it in the back to make sure it's the last one picked, at least by her.

The rest of Overwatch finally filters into the room and everyone chills out for about an hour and a half, grabbing snacks and drinks and catching up with everyone without having to worry about Talon. Angela joins a little later, finishing up whatever she had to do. You greet her and grab her a drink and some snack food. You both settle on the sofa, you in her lap and her running her fingers absentmindedly through your H/L, H/C hair.

Soon enough, it's present time. Everyone grabs a gift either for themselves or for another person. You grab one for yourself and Angela and sit back in her lap, handing hers for her to open.


Finally, you receive you last present, Angela picked it out and hands it to you. You rip it open in anticipation. It's a necklace for storing health packs during battle. It's small and fit for casual wear and battle. It screams you

"Angela, this is perfect!" You exclaim, hugging her tightly.

You soon excuse yourself real quick and head towards one of the exits. You head to one of the trees where you and Angela met and always hung out at. You check to make sure everything is in place and you climb up the tree.


"Well, that's the last of them!" Tracer announces.

"Nope! There's still one more!" Reinhardt exclaims, pointing to a beautifully wrapped present in the very back.

He goes to grab it and hands it to Angela. "For you."

She questions if she should wait for you but everyone insists she open it, so she does. It's a new battle suit fully equipped with medical equipment and health and damage boosts. She unfolds it and holds it up to herself, showing it off to everyone. A paper falls to the ground. She picks it up and reads it. She does as it instructs, heading to the kitchen, reaching into the coffee cabinet to find another note. This note has more directions and she follows them, heading to her lab, finding yet another note and a new winter coat. She finally follows these instructions and puts the coat on and heads outside into the snowy field to the tree you are currently perched in. You're proud that you made no trace of yourself being there. You watch intently as she looks around, confused. She finally spots her favorite flower hanging from a branch with yet another note tied to it.

"Y/N, you're something." She mumbles, chuckling to herself. "Look up?" She mumbles, her eyebrow raised as she tilts her head up to you.

She gasps at the beautiful sight above her. Flowers and lights and pieces of paper with writing on them filled the tree above her. She notices it makes out some sort of pattern so she positions herself to read the message. She gasps, raising her hands to her face. She begins to look around for you, whipping her head everywhere, eyes scanning for your form. She turns one last time, only to come a couple centimeters from your face, hanging upside down from a branch with a small smirk. You take the tiny box and flip it so she can see it and you unwrap it with her help. You look down, well, up, as you search for words.

"I know Christmas isn't your favorite holiday, but, I want to make it at least one of the most memorable ones. -I uh, I'm not great with words... but will you, Angela Ziegler, be mine forever? Are you daring enough to take on my bullshit for forever?" You giggle that last part.

"Y/N, you may not be great with words, but you're amazing with this!" She gestures to all of this you had set up. "And yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I will forever take on your bullshit!"

"Damn, Angela willingly cursing!" You grin.

Angela wraps her arms around your dangling form and pulls you in for a kiss. You kiss back immediately wrapping your unsteady arms around her trying to find rhythm while upside down. Angela starts to tug you down a bit, you don't know if it's intentional or not. You grip onto the branch tighter with your legs trying to stay on and still. Your legs fail and you fall. Angela catches you though and holds you, still, upside down. You both giggle and hug each other close. You both fall into the soft snow, laughing all the way and giving each other kisses happily and celebrating.

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