(Overwatch) Ashe x reader

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Takes place shortly after the vid ends



Your omnic horse partner perks their head at something off in the distance of the U.S. southwest. They stop and listen a little longer to whatever carried in the wind. They turn to face the origin before checking with you that it's alright to inspect the area. You nod your head in confirmation, taking off into the desert. Your partner gallops across the dirt and dust, carrying you to your destination. The winds whips your loose strands of H/C hair around under your hat. Your black bandana helps to keep the dust out of your face.

You reach a road and you slow down. Your partner pricks their ears to listen for anything.

"What is it, Cam?" You ask the equine unit.

They just listen more in gently to the breeze. Suddenly, they start walking to the left, gradually speeding up to a canter. You canter along the side of the road until you see a vehicle ahead on the horizon. Your partner speeds up despite your protests. It stands in front of the vehicle, stopping it in its place. You hear a grunt from behind the front of the vehicle. You dismount and walk around to inspect the cargo, tapping the button to deactivate the vehicle, only to find Ashe and her own partner, B.O.B. They're both tied to the payload vehicle. Ashe is cursing to herself, saying how she's fucked if it is who she thinks it is and cursing the person who tied her up like this. It's humiliating to her to be found like this. You look at her and B.O.B. and take out a knife.

"Well, what's a badass flower like you doin tied up to that?" You cut the rope on both of them. "Where'd your hat go?" You tease.

"L/N, I swear to god." She says angrily.

You take her hand firmly and help her up to her feet while B.O.B. stands himself up.

"Thank you..." She mumbles.

"No problem, anytime Ashe." You say. "Mcree?"

"That son of a bitch..." She curses, a wicked snark plastered on her red lips.

You look at B.O.B. who nods his head to answer your obvious question.

"How'd you find me? You're supposed to be all the way in the south part of Texas." Ashe asks.

"I may or may not have ditched the mission." You say.

"Damn you. You're lucky you ain't workin' for me or you'd be a dead bitch." She says.

"Yep, some other gang got to it before I could." You respond. "Would you like to get even with 'im?" You ask, referring to the cowboy who detained Ashe not so very long ago, nor very far away either.

"Fuck yea." She slyly snarls.

You climb onto Cam and pull Ashe up behind you. You take off, B.O.B. following close behind as you race down Route 66 to the looted train crash.

There, you find a fairly majestic omnic, a blue interface, only hovering about a foot off the ground. It's slim features finely defined. It was digging around a strange cargo box. You dismount your equine unit, telling everyone else to stay back. You approach the lone omnic casually.

"It's dangerous out here ya know." You say, snapping it's attention to you.

"Yes, I'm aware." She replies.

"You seen a cowboy 'round here? Smokes a cigar and has a weird cape thing? Did he pass by?"

"Who's asking?" She calmly retorts.

"A friend, new sister. He recruited me earlier today. I tagged along with him to hq." you briefly explain, lying to her face.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, he did pass by. He's gone North-West. That direction." She gestures to the route he took on Ashe's motorbike.

"Thanks." You walk up to her and offer your hand to shake.

She shakes it and you pull her in and rip off a pice you've been seeking for a very long time. Mcree had it and has used it to revive this omnic. Her features fall and her interface shuts down. You "walk" the small piece around your fingers as you call over the others.

"B.O.B,., mind looking out for this one?" You gently hand her to Ashe's omnic partner.

He holds her gently, awaiting Ashe's and your next instructions.

"Well, we'll get even with 'im." You say defiantly. "Follow me."

"We sure as hell will." Ashe answers.

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