(Overwatch) Brigitte x reader

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Long time no see

Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-!

You smash your fist down on your alarm clock. The annoying sound has finally pushed your tolerance for it over the edge. You groan as you lie in bed before your radio starts to make static noises before voices break the silence.

"Breaking news, armed Robert and hostage situation down at Harbenger Bank at 208 Tucker Avenue. New police reports describe five heavily armed suspects, three male and two female. Police estimate about eleven hostages, one dead." A feminine voice breaks through the static. "City residents are recommended to stay indoors and away from the scene." She continues.

"Alright, 208 Tucker Avenue. Not too far from here." You mumble to yourself. You slide out of your current clothes/pjs and slip on your vigilante suit. Your pet bird, a F/B, looks at you quizzically.

"Sorry for waking you. I'll be back soon." You pet the birds soft head as you go by.

Some random thought bursts through your head and you argue about it out loud. "I don't get why people call it a costume. It's not exactly a suit though, it's just what I wear! A costume!?" You wave your arms around, emphasizing your argument.

You walk around as you fix up your "costume", before walking briskly over to your balcony and jumping off. You have arm guards that harbor a shield, grapple, and a few knives. You have a couple daggers at your waist, and a sword tucked behind your back. Oh, and don't forget the spiked club back there too.

You deploy your grapple and swiftly swing down to the ground, landing softly before taking off towards the "incident". You pull your hood up and cover your nose and mouth with a black bandana as you run along the street. People stare at you as you run by but you don't care.

You finally reach the scene and race by the police tape. One of the suspects takes notice to your presence and alerts the others who turn to you as well, weapons ready. They're all wearing civilian clothing. One of them steps forward, one of the females. She walks towards you. You stand completely still, ready to attack at any moment.

"You came. We were expecting you. And it was you we were hoping for." She says. She stops in front of you and looks at you fondly. "Too bad we'll be having to get rid of you quite soon."

The woman pulls out a baton and attempts to stab you with it. You catch it before it hits you, noticing that it's an electrocuted baton. You kick her back and the others run towards you. You whip out your spiked bat and start swinging. One of the thugs shoots at you with a high tech gun and you raise your non-dominant arm to deploy your shield. The blast knocks you back a bit, but you race forward again and take them down one by one. You're working on the last thug and you swing your bat, hitting him in the face and drawing lots of blood. He lands on the ground and turns to look at you, raising an arm in weak defense, or surrender. You wave your bat around in his face, causing him to wimped in fear.

"It's not until you beat them down to their lowest do they feel any real fear." you say triumphantly. "My friend used to say that..." you trail off, remembering your auburn haired mechanic of a friend.

"Leave this to the experts." A voice rings out.

You look up to find the source of the familiar voice, though you just couldn't place it with a face. When you look back to the thug you just took down, someone is standing in front of you.

"Wow, you just had a mace to the face!" She looks at you. "Thanks, but Overwatch will take it from here."she says.

You look at her, shocked, subconsciously dropping your weapons. The woman before you looks at you quizzically. You raise your hands to pull off your hood and bandana, tears making their way to your eyes.

"I thought you were dead..." you say.

The woman before you starts to tear up as well. "Long time no see. Y/N, I could say the same for you. You died in my arms! Why didn't you come back!?" She starts to yell at you, embracing you as you embrace her. She clings to you like your her only lifeline.

"I tried, Brigitte. I tried! I had no way to contact you or Overwatch, and I had no idea where I was. When I tried to find Overwatch, you had already moved bases, or split apart, or something! I didn't know where you were and the last thing I saw of you was when you left! There was an explosion! I though you died but I couldn't move, I couldn't scream! I couldn't tell you that I love you too!" You cry into her shoulder as you hold onto each other.

When Brigitte was calm enough, she spoke again. "We have a lot of catching up to do then, come with us this time. Join us once more!"

"Only if I get to be your girlfriend." You reply.

"Yes!" She chokes out as you two break away. "Let the police and Overwatch handle these guys and us head back, girlfriend." She says.

You walk together, hand in hand towards the Overwatch drop ship. Boy, everyone's going to bombard you with questions when they see you again. But that doesn't matter, now you have Brigitte by your side, forever now.

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