(Overwatch) Ashe x (Dying) Reader

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Request by @AsheHere
(Sorry it's late)
Hope you enjoy!

(Bounces an idea off of Redraideryboi and I guess it's also a semi-contest? Idk)

Oh also, here, listen to this while u read!: https://soundcloud.com/host7/cold-jorge-mendez-sad-piano-violin-instrumental

Ashe watches as you run out into the snow, your H/C hair poking out from under your hat and over your coats hood. She has a smile plastered on her face as she watches you, unlike you, who has a tear about to run down your cheek, as you race through the snow to the frozen lake. You and Ashe go skating every year on it. You always enjoy the moments you spend with her, but, you never feel like you're good enough for her. You never feel like you're worth her time, you're just a waste of time and space, just a burden.

When Ashe doesn't see you stopping, she chases after you, giggling, her breath floating away in the air in a cloud of steam through the cold, winter air. You race towards the lake, thinking she isn't following, tired of living a lie, tired of pretending, tired of just living. Tired of trying to be happy, tired of trying to even look remotely happy.

You race to the center of the lake, Ashe following you to the edge before stopping to admire you. God how she loves you. She watches you jump around, enjoying the snow and the wintertime. She watches your form happily, loving how fucking amazing you are, wishing she could be you, always smiling, knowing how to make her smile. If only she could do that too; which she does, she just doesn't believe it, just like you. She sighs deeply as she watches you lovingly. She feels whole when she's with you. She feels complete. You're her everything, and she's yours. She watches you happy looking form jump around in the snow, on the ice. She doesn't think much about it cracking, since the ice normally freezes around a foot deep every winter. She's happy and content, smiling at you.

That is...

Until you go under.

It's almost in slow motion...

As your hands go up...

And your body falls...

Disappearing under the ice.

Ashe stands up abruptly, sprinting across the ice to the spot, about a hundred feet away, where you fell.

"Shit! Y/N!" She falls to her knees to search for you in the rapidly freezing water.

She pulls out her phone and dials for help frantically. She finally spots you and tries to figure out how to get to you.

""Please! Anyone! Help! Someone's gone under the ice!" She screams out to anyone who might be passing by.

There's no one at the moment.

The phone still rings.

"911 what's your emergen-"

"Someone's gone under the ice! Get someone out here! Fast!" She practically screams into the phone.

"Alright, ma'am, calm down, it's going to be alright. We're se-"

"I need someone, ANYONE, right now!"

"Ma'am, we're sending someone out right now. Where are you?"

"There's a lake, just outside of the city! I'm on- I'm on the east side!" She frantically says into the phone.

"Alright. I want you to remain calm, we're sending someone out, they should be there in a few minutes. We've also got an ambulance on the way."

"I don't have a few minutes! It's below 0 Fahrenheit, and she's under the ice water, which is, newsflash, FREEZING FUCKING FAST!" She throws her phone on the ground in frustration. "DAMMIT! Y/N! I'm comin'!" She screams, tears cascading down her face.

She stands and dives into the water after you, disrupting the reforming ice, the water instantly causing her to shiver and tense up. She quickly grabs your form and desperately pulls you to the surface. She surfaces, you in her grasp. You're pale, very pale. With much difficulty, she manages to drag you out into the ice.

"Y/N! Y/N! Can you hear me?! Please, respond! Move, speak, ANYTHIN'!" She cries, shivering as she holds your freezing form close to her own. "PLEASE!" She pleads, screaming into your chest. "PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" She screams, shivering violently in her wet clothes.

Emergency responders finally arrive at the scene minutes later. They rush out, stretchers in hand, towels, and whatever the fuck else they need, Ashe doesn't care. She needs you; she has you.

"Ma'am, you're going to have to take your coat off and get dry, come on, let's get back to the vehicle." An officer says as the other responders gather your freezing form up and onto a stretcher.

Ashe wouldn't let go of you.

"Ma'am, please take your coat off. Here's a towel, let's go to the vehicle." The man says calmly, handing her a towel and leading her quickly to the ambulance.


They rushed you into the ER and are desperately trying to warm you up. Ashe isn't in as bad a shape as you and is warming up at a nice, steady, healthy rate. You on the other hand, you're still deathly pale, blue lipped, and unmoving, unconscious. Ashe sits right by your side, holding your hand as she pleads with all her will.

Her head is down, resting on the side of the bed you're on, her hands grasping your cold one. Her shaking in fear, concern, and her own coldness. She doesn't want to tune into the conversation around her, but what else can she do?

"She's not doing too well."

"Keep trying!"

"There's no pulse."

"Then get one!"

"She's not warming up as much!"

"Warm her up faster!"

"Please... please... please, please, please..." Ashe mumbles to herself, to you, anyone, tears flowing steadily and rapidly down her face, pooling in the floor in a small puddle.



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