(Overwatch) Sombra x (Depressed) Reader

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Suggestion from Semmiza "could you do a Sombra x sad/depressed reader next?"

Shoot Me

You're on your thirteenth day for this mission. You still haven't apprehended the Mexican hacker. Instead, she's been taunting you and flirting with you. Today will be no different. You have found out she's stalking someone and blackmailing them. You're at the scene to stop her and hopefully finally apprehend her; although, you may or may not have developed a soft spot for her. You hide it with a cold demeanor though and you try to force yourself to stop.

You're perched atop a roof, waiting for the perfect time to drop in and capture her for Overwatch. She's walking down the sidewalk and she appears to have set up a meeting with her target. She walks into a nearby restaurant as people stare at her; she doesn't seem to mind as she carries on.
Yuou move to reposition yourself to get a better view of the inside. You're almost settled before gunshots ring out. Two different kinds of guns.

You jump down and push past the panicked people rushing to get out. You see the two shooters and of course, one of them is Sombra. You see a bullet grazed her arm, but she pushes on. You take down the other shooter and detain him, cuffing him to a table that's welded to the floor.

"Surprise me again, amiga." She says in a playful tone.

You notice another person is cornered and Sombra points her gun at her. She must be Sombra's target.

You stand in front of her gun.

"Amiga, get out of the way. You're blocking my shot." She says slightly angered by your intervention.

"No." You sternly reply.

"Amiga." She warns.

"Or what? What are you going to do? Huh?" You ask, starting to get a little upset yourself.

"I'll have no choice..." she pauses. "But to shoot you." She smiles slyly.

"Go ahead then." You narrow your eyes at her. "Shoot me."

Her eyes widen in shock. She isn't expecting you to accept it just like that. She was expecting you to say something along the lines of "can I a least say a few things" or "You won't shoot me" or something like that.

"At least have some dying words or something!" Sombra chuckles, trying to show she was only kidding.

The longer she looks at you, the more concerned she grows. Your face is calm, but not your eyes. The strain behind their color shows a whole lot, something she's never noticed before.

"Come on, you've got to be kidding, right?" She tries again. "Come on, I'm kidding, amiga." She tries again.

You walk forward and grab the nose of her gun, holding it to your chest, right over your heart.

"Shoot me."

Realization hits her fully. You're not kidding. You sound like your commanding her to shoot you. You want her to shoot you.

"Are you serious, amiga?" She asks in disbelief.

You press it harder into yourself, showing her you mean it.

"Amiga, step away. I'm not going to ask again." She speaks, warning you

"Not until that damn bullet hits me."

"What is wrong with you? You're just going to give up like that?" She starts.

"I'm a failure anyways. You might as well get this mistake off the world. You'll have another thing you don't have to worry about. The others will too." You say.

"Don't you dare say that. You've made my way of life a challenge, yes, but that's what makes it fun. You make my job interesting and fun." She says. "I'm sure, the others think a similar thing. They might act cold on the outside, but on the inside they cherish you. I cherish you dammit! I love it when you pop out of nowhere and halt my plans! I love the bullets whizzing by my head, inches away from out of nowhere! I love it all! And I love you!" Sombra is shouting at this point, tears are starting to make their way down her cheeks.

"I thought you hated me?" You loosen your grip on her gun a little bit.

"Why would I hate you, Amiga? You're an interesting fucking person." She says.

Your sleeve slides up just a little bit as Sombra takes a glimpse at your hand that's holding her gun. She gasps lightly.

"Don't hurt yourself, Amiga. That's Talons job; at least to attempt." She tries to lift the mood a little but fails.

"I'm tired, Sombra. I'm tired of pretending everything is fine when it's not! I'm tired of chasing after you when I can't finish the mission! I'm tired of pretending to be happy, trying to make myself happy! I'm tired of being a screw-up!" You start to yell.

Sombra rips the gun from your grasp, throwing it aside and embracing you.

"I was ordered to kill you too, but I can't either. Can I please help you? Is there anything I can do to help?" She asks. "Besides killing yourself, that is."

You just hug her back, crying silently into her shoulder.

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