(Overwatch) Pharah x Reader

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K enjoy.

Also, another contest between me and Redraideryboi go check theirs out!

For best effect, listen to
Stars: https://soundcloud.com/lumina-voices/stars-eriks-esenvalds
Northern Lights: https://soundcloud.com/ensemble-vocal-seguido/northern-lights-eriks-esenvalds

Starry Northern Lights

Things weren't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to make it home to her. You were going to spend the rest of the week with her! You have to get to her!

You desperately climb from the rubble of the downed drop ship. So far, you're the only survivor. You call out to the others, the pilot, the crew, co-pilot, anyone!

No one answers; you're on your own, in the dead of winter. You wonder if you should stay, if she's even gotten word of the accident. No, you're not that far, you can make it!

You trudge through the thick snow, pieces of ice and snow sticking balled up to your clothes and boots. You wrap up in your jacket, shoving your bare hands in your pockets in a desperate attempt to warm them up. Your hood is barely hanging onto the back of your head, leaving your head and face open to the elements. your H/L, H/C hair dances in the breeze. Snow starts to make its way into your boots, only a few pieces, melting at the base around your feet. Your feet are slowly getting colder, as you continue to trek through the snow towards base, towards your girlfriend.

You can see the top of the hill, knowing once you reach the top, you'll be able to see a bit more over the top and the rest of the journey will be mostly down hill; hopefully. You estimate about a mile, maybe a mile and a half; you're determined to reach your destination. For her.


You finally reach the top of the hill, your feet nearly frozen, your fingers completely numb. You shove them back in your pockets as you stand at the top of the hill, breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath and stay warm from the bitter cold.

You watch your breath float up into the air, noticing how the soft white steam dances with the small breeze. You find yourself focusing on the clear night sky, able to see the stars, watching them twinkle and do their own little dance up there. A few shooting stars fly by, and you wish upon every one of them, wishing that you can have a safe journey to your girlfriend. A green light catches your attention in the distance out of the corner of your eye.

You breathe out in a wonder-filled sigh, watching the dancing green and blue and purple light as it shimmers and shimmies across the sky. Your breath is whisked away by its beauty. If only your girlfriend was with you; she would love this. Sure, she's got a hard exterior, but on the inside, she sees wonder and beauty in these natural sights.

You can't feel your feet or hands anymore; hell, you can't feel your face. Your breaths are becoming short and quick and your knees shake. Your whole body is shaking, attempting to stay warm just a little longer. With no coat, you've got nothing to keep you warm; you either need to build a fire, or push on to the end.

You continue to trudge through the spacious forest. Your arms are hugging your small, frozen frame as you take weaker and smaller steps. Your eyes can't stay open long enough, but despite your condition, you keep pushing on, the light of the Northern Lights guiding you, the position of the stars as well, you continue to wish upon every shooting star you see. You have no idea how many wishes you've made, but you hope it's just enough to help you get back to her.

You can start to see the glow of the base up ahead just over a hill or two. You'll be home. You'll be with her, your girlfriend, Fareeha. Fareeha Amari. The warmth of her embrace, the warmth of her mere presence; just the thought gives you just that little bit more hope as your legs give out and you fall to the snow. You struggle to get up, staggering back and forth as you finally stand, tears you didn't know you were shedding already freezing on your already frozen face. You keep pushing forward, the warmth of the thoughts of your girlfriend feeding the fire of hope and passion, keeping you going til the end. You won't stop. You can't!



Fareeha looks up from her book as Hana bursts through her rooms door.

"Hana, what have I said about knocking!?-" Fareeha scolds before Hana cute her off.

"Th-the drop ship! Th-there's b-been an accident!" She panics as she informs Fareeha, panting from her running down the halls to the Egyptians room.

"What? Was it Y/N's-"

"It's Y/N's! No one is responding, we're s-sending o-out a-a s-search t-team." Hana stutters, fearing the worst.

"It's going to be alright, Hana. I'll bring her back for us." Fareeha says confidently.

"I-I'm sorry, she's not answering her comms either..." Hana adds.

Fareeha just looks at the Korean gamer and grabs her coat, walking out of the room to go find her girlfriend.

She takes a snow bike, speeding across the plain, snowy tundra, the stars and Northern Lights guiding her path to the location of the crash. Just past the second hill, she spots something in the snow. Her heart starts to pound in her chest, she hopes it's not what she thinks. It can't be Y/N. Y/N's alive, and she's making her way to her right now!

Fareeha slows the bike down and gets off, rushing to the object, which, indeed, is a person. Fareeha's heart leaps to her throat as she looks at the face of the person, seeing the H/L, H/C hair lying over her face as she lay in the snow, seemingly looking up at the lights in the sky.

Fareeha drops to her knees, grabbing her girlfriends now lifeless body and crying into her chest, holding her dearly. How can the world look so beautiful when she's lost someone more beautiful than the world itself. The light filters through the thin tree branches of the spacious forest, down upon the two women, shedding light where there seems to be none.

Fareeha cries out in frustration, anger, sadness, longing...


If only she had been there sooner. If only she had gotten the call sooner. If only...

She can feel herself shaking. Most would mistake her for being cold, but that is not the case. The shaking comes from the loss of another. A lover. Fareeha enters the base, carrying her girlfriend in her arms closely and tenderly, frozen tears now thawing and new ones emerging in a silent weeping over her dead lover. She reaches the med bay to set the body down, as Angela helps cover Y/N up, going to get her ready for a proper funeral. She drapes a blanket over the distraught Egyptian, who is currently resting her head on her arms, propped on the medical bed where Y/N lay, peacefully.

At least they got to see the northern lights, maybe not on the best terms, but they saw.

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