(Overwatch) Widowmaker x (target) reader

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An assassin, sniper, sporting a purple jumpsuit, sits perched atop a building. She looks through her scope at her target, a young woman, H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes, about to cross the dark street of Kings Row. A motivator like Mondatta and a new Overwatch recruit. The assassin had been watching her for a while, waiting for the perfect time to strike, but there's something that's starting to get in the way; a new... feeling? The sniper pushes it aside as she raises her gun, aiming it at the woman's head. Something keeps her from pulling the trigger and fights her to lower her gun. She finally settles for aiming for her abdomen. She squeezes the trigger and the satisfying bang fills the assassins ears, a light smirk tugs at her lips, but a frown rivals that smirk. The sniper grapples down near the woman and checks on her target. Upon closer inspecting her target, she almost recognizes who her target is.

The woman is clutching the side of her stomach and is kneeling on the ground in pain, hissing curses at herself for not being more careful. She tries to head for cover, but a certain sniper blocks her way, gun raised. The wounded woman looks up at her killer, but her features soften when she sees her killers face. The yellow light from the street lamps light up her features with a soft glow. The sniper lowers her gun, staring at the wounded woman before her.

They both stare at each other before the wounded woman speaks up. "A-Amelie?" She chokes out.

She attempts to stand but falls forward into the snipers arms. The sniper catches her and supports the woman.

It's the snipers turn to speak. "I... I remember you, from somewhere. I know you're significant to me... but... how..?"

"Amelie, I forgive you. It's not your fault you're like this now." The woman starts to tear up, causing a tear to roll down the snipers face.

It wasn't like this "Amelie" to have feelings like this, but now, seeing this woman, has brought something out in her somehow.

"Cherie, I-" She starts.

They've forgotten that they are enemies and are standing there, holding onto each other, the sniper supporting the target.

"Amelie, I understand you d-don't remember m-me right now, but... c-can I h-help you remember?" The woman stutters out.

Amelie already knows what she's about to do and gently cups the woman's chin, pulling her close. Their lips touch in a shaky, but gentle, kiss. Memories flood into Amelies head, causing the worst headache she's ever experienced, but she ignores the painful feeling, deepening the kiss with each memory. Tears start to make their way to Amelie's eyes, trickling down her cheeks. The two pull apart and the woman wipes them away gently with her thumb.

"Y-Y/N... I-I think I re-member." Amelie says softly.

"And you know that I love you. I always will." Y/N responds.

"I-I'm sorry..." Amelie starts to cry. She holds Y/N tighter and closer to her.

"Amelie, it's alright. It's not your fault." Y/N soothes. "Come on, just help me get to the emergency room. We'll get through this." She says.

The sniper supports the woman and they slowly make it down the street to help the wounded woman.


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