(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader

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Request from @Kyu_11
hope you like it!

"You wanna go? Then leave! Go ahead! Leave! I don't need you anyways!"

"Fine! I will!"

The same damned thing keeps playing in your head every damn day. She's the reason you walked out. But now that you did, you're having doubts. Maybe you shouldn't have, maybe you should have tried to talk with her about it. Nah, she wouldn't listen. It would have lead to the same damn thing; you walking out on her.

She treated you like a servant, not giving a crap about you, ordering you around. She never treats you like a person, not considering your feelings, not considering your ideas. You've had enough of her, so you left the Deadlock gang. But of course you won't leave without a few things. You stole some guns and ammo, some robotic parts and food before heading out.


You've been gone for a while, maybe almost 6 months, you've lost count, but you've kept yourself updated with the Deadlock Gangs activity. Their behavior has been getting more and more erratic and fatal. Innocent people are killed, and more feuds between them and law enforcement, including Overwatch. You're at least glad that you're not with them anymore, tired of being treated like a servant like how she treats BOB.

You make your way back to your apartment after finishing up your work, which is, right now, a cashier at a sports store. You basically have access to fun and self defense, just in case. Your job proved to come in handy as you had a run in with Ashe, once again.

She enters the front doors, gun close at her side and BOB trailing right behind her. She immediately spots you and clears out the building, shooting three rounds into the ceiling. She makes her way over to your scurrying form. You reach the archery section of the store, ripping a bow off the shelf and grabbing a bunch of arrows. You hold the bow up, ready to fire at Ashe if necessary.

"You've grown sharper, Y/N." She smirks, adjusting her hat with a hand.

"You don't know how I've grown." You growl back.

"I do-"

"No, you don't. You've never cared about me. You never let me do anything, you just ordered me around to do your dirty work." You snark at her.

"I've seen you in battle-"

"What battle!? There's very few I participated in!"

"-and in training. I know you used to train late at night."

You don't respond, you hold your ground. She speaks again. "Regardless of what you want, I'm taking you back."

Your eyes grow wide ever so slightly, but you don't faulted in your stance.

"Come on, let's go." Ashe says, advancing towards you.

She doesn't raise her gun as she steps towards you. You back up inch by inch, still aiming your bow at Ashe.

"Alright, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." She says, stopping just in front of you. "Come with me, or I'll take you by force." She threatens.

"And you can leave right now, or I'll take you out by force." You threaten back.

"Your words mean nothin'. I 'ain't leavin' without you." Ashe sneers.

She holds out a hand, asking you to join her willingly, but you don't take it. She retracts it.

"Very well, then." She raises her gun and you tighten your bow, ready for her to attack.

You see her motion behind her back with one hand and you watch both hers and BOBs movements. BOB suddenly rushes at you, distracting you so Ashe can race in as well and take you. You struggle in her grasp, throwing your elbow back and striking her face, making her let go. You dive for the bow and aim at her. She just stands back and smirks.


Where's BOB?

Metal arms wrap around you, and hoist you up onto a shoulder. You struggle in his grasp, but cannot get free. The two of them walk out of the store with you on BOB's shoulder and take you away.


You're thrown into an empty room and Ashe follows you in.

"Ashe, let me go." You demand.

"No. Hear me out."

"No! I don't have to listen to you!"

"I need you back."

"Yeah, just so you can order me around more. Treat me like a slave." You spit.

"Alright, alright. Let me explain." She says calmly. "How I treated you back then was bad. But, I... I just wanted to be closer to you. And when you left, I couldn't help this feelin' inside of me. I needed you back."

"But why?" Your voice softens a bit.

"I... I think I fell for you." She admits.

You take a breath, now thinking about your own self after you left. You felt lonely without Ashe. You shared an apartment with someone, but they weren't enough to replace Ashe. You... kinda... missed her.

"I missed you too Ashe, but the way you treated me..." you trail off. "It wasn't right. But, it's also partly my fault for not speaking up."

"I'm sorry. I understand if you won't forgive me."

"But, kidnapping me won't do much. If you just go easier on me, maybe we can mend things between us. Let me go, Ashe." You plead softly. "Just give me time. To think."

Ashe stands there, contemplating. "Alright..." she sighs.

She steps aside the door, holding it open, not making eye contact. You walk to the door, stopping in front of her. You put your hand on her cheek, causing her to lean into your touch.

"Thank you." You peck her nose quickly before leaving.

Taking a step outside the Deadlock base, you breathe. You make your way back to your town, thinking the whole way.

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