(Overwatch) Ashe x Reader

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Request from @Athercombie hope you enjoy!

I met Ashe when she was looking for upgrades for B.O.B. Her omnic is... interesting. He interviews me. His build helps me explore more technical solutions to his weapons system.

Ashe has recently recruited me into the Deadlock gang. Today, I'm required yet again. I'm still working on fixing some bugs with B.O.B.'s upgrades while everyone loots a train crash, but Mcree just had to crash the party.

I finish quickly and grab a couple of guns and take cover behind the payload. I can hear Ashe talking to him before gunshots ring out. I pop out and shoot at the cowboy, missing him every time. He manages to graze my arm, but I brush it away and keep shooting.

"Bob! Do something dammit!" Ashe angrily shouts.

I peeks around and she's just elbowed B.O.B. in the head, snapping his attention to her command. The cowboy takes cover and Ashe shouts something at him. He finally throws something at everyone.

"Grenades!" I shout.

"Shoot!" Ashe curses.

A bright light flashes and I take cover, avoiding the blast. It puts me into shock.

Ashe's shouts snap me out of it. I look over the top of the payload carefully and see her and B.O.B. tied to the payload. He presses a button and the payload starts to move. I cling onto it.

"I'll have him rip your other arm off! Mcree!" She hollers furiously.

When the payloads just out of sight, I stop it and help untie Ashe. No words are spoken as we head back to base.


After the run-in with Mcree, I decide to confront her about it.

I knock quietly on her door and wait patiently. I hear her curse after stumbling over something, and throwing another, breaking whatever it was. She finally opens the door angrily, her face scrunched up and red in anger and annoyance.

"What!?" She shouts suddenly as she opens the door.

I raise my hands up surprised.

"Oh, it's just you." She mumbles. "Sorry. C'mon in."

She steps aside and lets me in, offering a seat. I take a quick look around and notice she must have tripped over the chest on the floor next to her desk, and broken a clay pot, whose pieces rest at the base of a wall.

"You alright, Ashe?" I ask, slightly concerned.

"I'm fine. Just... stressed... that's all." She replies.

"You seem more than stressed. Like your thinking about something you wish you would stop thinking of."

She signs, taking her hat off and running her fingers through her white hair, starting to pace around the room. "It's just, I've been thinkin' a lot recently. I-" she stops herself, shaking her head at herself.

"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it." I say.

"No, it's just, I've always felt I've had this one sided attraction to someone. Damn that Mcree..." she curses. "I hate myself for it."

"It's alright-"

"And I'm afraid. I keep pushin' these feelings away but they wont go. I'm scared I-"

I start to stand up to go comfort her. She keeps stopping herself and I don't want to push her.


"Shhh, it's alright. Just try to relax." I say soothingly.

I reach out to her and put a hand on her shoulder. She flinches but soon relaxes into my touch.

"Y/N, it's just-" she sighs again. "I'm afraid I'm fallin' for someone again. Afraid they'll reject me, ya know."

"It's alright." I comfort her the best I can. "In fact, I confess that I'm falling for someone as well."

She looks slightly... disappointed? In something.

"Ashe," I start to chuckle to myself, confusing her. "I've always loved your accent. Just so raspy and sultry; and that southern twang really puts the cherry on the top."

She looks confused at me.

"Heh, sorry." I chuckle nervously while rubbing the back of my neck. "I don't know why I said that... that has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Heh... sorry."

"It's alright, Y/N." She says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"You're  just... really attractive. Heh." I confess. I realize what I just said and rush to correct myself. "I mean, your voice, it's just- you're just-," I give up. "Dammit..." I mumble, looking down in defeat.

"Well damn, dint know ya had a soft spot for me." She chuckles.

I could feel my cheeks redden.

"Y/N, look at me." She gently turns my head to her so I'm looking into her crimson eyes. "Fuck this..." She mumbles.

She gently grasps my chin and pulls me into her soft lips. Damn, she's good.

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