(Supergirl) Kara Danvers (Supergirl) x (Centaur) Reader PT2

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@The_Crimson_Book and for those hoping for a PT 2
Also this is my art so yea.
Anyways enjoy!

It's been a while since the truck chase, and Alex has just been taken by CADMUS, by Lillian. The DEO is on her case and are tracking her, with great difficulty.

"Supergirl, we'll get her back. I promise." J'onn assures.

"But what if it's not like last time? What if we're still too late?" Kara, Supergirl, replies.

"We will get there in time. We've almost got her pinpointed." He reassures her.

"I can't lose her again."


Meanwhile, Alex is being transported in a truck. It's now getting dark and an idea pops into her head, but she doesn't know if it'll actually work. She starts to act like she's in agony, causing her captors to slow the vehicle to check up on her. Once the open the doors, she bursts out of the truck, trying to snatch a gun in the process. They open fire at her. A bullet grazes her shoulder while another embeds itself into the back of her thigh, causing her to cry out in pain. She keeps pushing forward but falls, rolling down a steep hill and into the woods below.

She groans in pain as she gathers her senses. She can hear the agents coming down, their flashlights searching the dark for her. She struggles to get up. She sees a gun near her and tries to crawl towards it. She doesn't get very far before a bullet whizzes by her head. She retracts her arm and instinctively recoils. She glances back in fear before trying to reach for the gun again. There's a faint noise in the woods and it's approaching her. She finally reaches the gun and points it at the agents, still firing at her. She starts to shoot back, aiming to take down the enemy agents.

Suddenly, an enemy agen goes flying over her head before thumping to the ground. Projectiles are shot from behind her; from the woods. A few hit some of the agents in their vital areas while others either wound or miss the others. She doesn't have to turn around until a large figure steps into her field of vision in a protective stance.

Thick, feathered hooves block some of her view of the scene before her. She looks up and sees the rest of the creature. A strong woman holds a bow atop a horse, a headdress covering her head. The horse has some decorations on it and is carrying an arrow quiver. The woman takes out the enemy agents until they either drop dead, or retreat. When they are gone, she turns to Alex, looking at her with curiosity and sympathy. Alex notices that the woman is the horse creature, most like a centaur; but where is she from?

Alex stares at her in wonder and fear. The centaur takes a couple steps closer to her. Alex backs up as the centaur takes her steps.

"Stay away from me!" She warns.

The centaur stops and hold up her hands innocently and gently. She looks at Alex's leg and starts to bend down to it. She glances back at Alex as if asking permission. Alex does nothing, she just stares at the being. The centaur kneels on her front knees and takes out a bandage from a satchel on her side. She opens a bottle from around her neck and spreads some of it's contents on the bandage. She reaches for Alex's leg gently to not startle or scare her.

"What is that? What are you doing?" Alex half demands and half asks.

The centaur says nothing as she gently touches Alex's leg and rips her pants a little. She gently places the bandage on her leg, causing Alex to hiss in pain, throwing her head back slightly and gripping the leaves and ground. The centaur gently wraps the bandage around her leg and secures it to itself. She stands up and offers Alex her hand, which she hesitantly takes. The centaur supports Alex as they walk in the woods along the road out of sight.

A figure lands near their location, causing the centaur to push Alex behind her protectively.

"It's you again?" A familiar voice says.

The centaur doesn't move.

"Kara!" Alex excitedly cries from behind the centaur.

Alex tries to get around the centaur as best as she can, but stumbles and falls. Supergirl and the centaur both rush to gently catch her. She lets Supergirl hold her as she steps back.

Alex looks at her and mouths a "thank you", smiling at the creature and embracing her kryptonian sister.

Supergirl finally looks up and starts to thank the centaur profusely.

"Kara, Kara! She's gone." Alex says.

Kara yells one last thank you into the woods, hoping the centaur hears.

"Let's just go home, Kara." Alex says.

"I thought I lost you again..." Kara sobs into her sisters shoulder. "I'm sorry for not being there with you."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It's not something we could have prevented." Alex reassures. "Let's get home."

"Yes. Let's."

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