(Umbrella Academy) Vanya x Reader Pt II

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Cuz why tf not. I really wanna punch Luthor in the face now.
Enjoy this garbage.
(Sorry I haven't been getting to requests. I get somewhere and then run out of ideas and some of them I have no ideas for.)

You don't care about the ding from the elevator, you can't bring yourself to move. You remain in your sobbing mess on the floor of the elevator. Luthor holds the door open behind you.

"Come on, let's go." He softly demands.

You don't move and you hear him sigh. There's a moment of silence from him before you feel a soft touch on your back, another hand on your shoulder. You catch sight of Allison's hair to your left and you instantly embrace her in a shaky hug, crying into her shoulder. She holds you, rubbing circle's onto your back soothingly. She finally holds your shoulders and looks into your eyes, silently asking if you wanted to go to her room with her. You shakily get up and walk with her to her room.

She sits out on her bed before she sits beside you, an arm still comforting you, draped across your shoulder. You continue to cry on her, not understanding why everyone is letting this happen. You can feel Allison's anger towards Luthor as well, but she can't speak. You remain that way, ignoring Luthor when he comes in behind you to try to explain. He ends up just sitting behind you two, Allison holding up her hand to shush him.

You remain like that for a while and you eventually calm down to sniffles. You don't dare speak in front of Luthor; you don't even know why he's still here. Just when all is quiet and still, an abrupt, thunderous thud makes its way through the whole house, shaking the very foundation.

"What the-" you're cut off.

"Vanya." Luthor sounds behind you. "We gotta move."

He stands up and ushers the two of you out of Allison's room and down the hall. You keep turning to see what's going on, but Luthor keeps pushing you forward.

"Get your hands off of me!" You whisper-yell at him, turning around briefly in case you have to hit him.

The three of you climb the stairs silently as Vanya starts down the hall, stopping before each room, and moving on as the room explodes, shaking the house with every explosion. Luthor leads you through the second floor to the main staircase to the front door. Luthor stops in front of you and Allison before motioning onwards, knowing you'll follow. But you, of course, don't follow once you spot Vanya when you see Luthor glance that way, hurt flashing across his features briefly before continuing. You silently break away from the two and step into the living room.

Vanya has her back to you, Pogo is hanging from the deers antlers on the wall, blood seeping onto his clothes. You silently gasp before mentally slapping yourself to get yourself together.

"Vanya..." you start.

She whips around and the first thing you notice is her piercing, ice blue eyes, which contrast from her hair. You involuntarily gasp quietly before continuing.

"Vanya, this isn't you." You can see her tense up.

"Vanya, it's alright," you say calmly, slowing your own breath in an attempt to calm yourself, "just calm down."

You sit on the floor in a non-threatening way, Vanya just looks at you, her piercing eyes searching, but seeming lost, her mind moving at one thousand miles an hour. She watches as you just sit there calmly, look up at her, and smile. Her features falter briefly, her eyes becoming their normal dark again.

"Hey, Vanya." You softly grab her hand and hold it tenderly.

"It's alright. No ones going to hurt you," You speak gently, "I'm here."

You can see conflict clashing behind her eyes, periodically flashing back to the icy blue.

"Vanya, focus on me, alright," you start, "just breathe." You desperately try to calm her down, hoping she doesn't flip out again.

That's when you hear footsteps become rapidly quicker. You whip your head to the left to see Luthor running at you two. Vanya's eyes turn their icy shade again and she rips her hands away from you, sending a wave of energy to knock not just Luthor, but yourself, back. You crash into a glass casing, the glass shattering on impact and the case falling on top of you. You feel the tiny shards stick themselves into your skin. Not too long after, Vanya's gone and the whole room collapses; the rest of the mansion too if it did not collapse already. You curl up and shove yourself into one of the open shelves for shelter as the ceiling comes down on you. You pay no mind to the pain from the glass, only worrying about Vanya, if she made it out.

"Of course she made it out. She caused it..." You thought to yourself, tears starting to make their way down your now glass filled face, stinging the open wounds.

Once you're sure the rest of the building has come down all the way, you shout for aid, mostly for Luthor so when he gets you out, you can hit him. Hard.

You try kicking the case to help your voice carry and to hopefully get yourself out as well. You soon hear the rubble on top of the case moving.

"Luthor! I'm here!" You scream from under the case.

It's soon lifted off of you and Luthor's large arm comes into view to help you out. You quickly rip yourself from his grasp and turn to hit him. You swing your fist at his face, catching him off guard.

"I had her! I had her dammit!" You screech, still swinging at him. "Why!? You ruined it!"

He catches your arm and shoves you away from him. Diego and Allison step in, keeping you two, mostly you, from attacking the other. Allison looks at you, her eyes begging you to stop. You finally give up and step away, shaking Allison off. You push past them and start walking away.

"Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?" Luthor asks; no, demands.

"Away from you." You retort.

"No, we're going to stop Vanya before anymore damage is done."

"You can stop Vanya, I'm going to help her, and get her back." You storm off, not caring that you didn't know where she could have possibly gone.

"What? Y/N, no. Come back!" Klaus jumps in.

"Fine! Leave! You're not even part of this family!" Luthor yells after you.

"Hey, no! She can help!" Klaus argues placing a hand on Luthor's chest to keep him in place.

"Can she!?-" Luthor protests.

Klaus cuts him off, "I don't know if you've noticed, but Vanya may have been with Leonard- Harold- whatever his name is, but she's always loved Y/N. And Y/N loves her. And we all love her. You're just upset you can't do things your way. Maybe it's time to try things our way; or her way."

"It's never going to work-"

"Not if we don't work together." Klaus pauses. "You guys go ahead, I'll get Y/N. We'll meet you at the Super Star Lanes." He lets go of Luthor before turning to catch up to you.

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