(Avengers) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) x (Captured! Villain!) Reader

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Request by FireQueen67
Hope you enjoy!

You had it for literally two seconds before security came barging in. Their sudden entrance startled you, but you kept your cool, fighting back gracefully and almost flawlessly. Almost. He came in and took you down, and dragged you to where you didn't want to be, Avengers Tower.

"Why the stupid tower and not like, uh, I don't know, jAiL!?" You protest in Captains grasp.

He doesn't respond, he just keeps walking down the hall of the tower. He finally enters a room with a chair and table and sits you down.

"Someone will come in later, but for now, just make yourself comfortable." He says before exiting, leaving you alone with a table.

"What's up, table?" You nod your head at the table.

You quickly lose interest and look around the bland room. You, the chair, and the table, are the only ones in the room. A mirror hangs on the wall, though. You know it's just a one way window, but that doesn't stop you from walking up to it and, just to tease them on the other end, check yourself out. You play with your hair a bit before giving up and going back to the table. You lay on the table and decide to take a small nap before they come in.

The door opens, "Hey! I was gonna go sleep!" You protest, not moving to look at them, but waving them off with your hand.

"Nice try." A feminine voice breaks out.

You recognize that voice somewhere.

"If you don't recognize me, I'm-"

You interrupt her, "Hang on! I got this! You're... uh..." you snap your fingers in your contemplation. "Oh! You're that redhead chick! Oh, what's your name...?" You ponder to yourself.

All she does is breathe before you shush her again.

"No! I got this! You're that spider chick! Uh... Arachnid? No. Widow... Black Widow!"


You sit up abruptly to look at her. "Well hello again. How'd ya get out?"

"Shortly after you, just before security got tighter in my wing."

"You graduated. I wouldda thought they'd released ya." You say. "Anyways, I know you have questions, so go on, ask away!" You throw your arms out and fall back onto the table.

"I see you haven't changed." You can hear a small smirk in her voice, as if she was... glad...? to see you again?

"Nope. That place reaaally fucked me up." You giggle, popping the P in the Nope. You sit back up.

"Anyways, you tried to steal an advanced weapon from a secret laboratory. Too bad it was from S.H.I.E.L.D.. You're lucky you're stuck with me."

"You don't know how lucky that is..." You narrow your eyes at her, a smirk forming on your lips as you rest your chin in your hand.

Black Widow just rolls her eyes at you. "Why did you try to steal the weapon?"

"Come closer..."


"Awww..." You get bored again and start spinning on the table.

"Okay, would you stop that? You're a criminal in an interrogation room."

"I know!" You giggle.

She sighs in frustration, rubbing her forehead.

"Nat," You say, a little eerily gentle and sincere for her. "I'm... glad to see you again." You push yourself off the table and walk towards her, stopping to give you five feet of distance.

She looks at you curiously, wondering if this is a trick or not. You just plop down on the floor in front of her and look up at her, trying to show her you're sincere. She follows your moves and sits down cautiously in her spot.

"Let's start over." You clear your throat, "Hi, I'm Y/N, I tried to steal a weapon." You hold your hand out for her to shake.

She looks at you, an expression you can't read, but she takes your hand. "Natasha. I'm your interrogator."

"Well, let's get on with the interrogation." You smile, standing up and going over to your chair and sitting in it.


The interrogation starts and goes on for a while, but it soon turns into a catching up chat. What you both did once you got away from the Red Room. Different missions. Robberies. Hideouts. You know, that kind of stuff.

"Nat," You start again, "I know you probably don't feel the same but..." you pause, thinking this over. You've never been so stuck like this before. "Aw, to hell with me!" You yell before crashing your lips to hers.

To your surprise, you feel her slowly kiss back. You both hear a tap on the mirror and immediately break apart. You look from the mirror, to Natasha and notice her effort of suppressing a blush on her cheeks. She stands up.

"I believe this interrogation is over. Maybe we could finish this over a cup of coffee/tea?" She says, looking at you with a hopeful expression.

"Hell yeah!"

Sorry it's a little short, hope you liked it!

Also, y'all other requests are coming hopefully soon! If you haven't gotten your request yet, if you'd like, comment on this or PM me and remind me of your request in case I missed one.

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