(Umbrella Academy) Vanya x Reader Pt III

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Wouldn't it be cool if you could have the superpower to jump into books and tv shows and live it out in person? Even interact with the characters, like punching Luthor in the face a few times. Hard. With a bat with a bunch of rusty nails in it that poke out in all different directions. Repeatedly. Without mercy. STAP *thwack* COMPLAINING *thwack* ABOUT *thwack* THE *thwack* FUCKING *thwack* MOON! I GET IT! YOUR MAD! BUT STILL!!!

Anyways, enjoy!

Klaus jogs up to Y/N's side, not a word is spoken between the two until Klaus has had enough of everything. Ben is bugging the shit outta him, and Klaus is just done with everyone's bullshit. He stops, grabs Y/N by her shoulders, spins her around, and looks at her surprised features. Her eyes are wide at the sudden action.

"Okay, I've had enough. We're going to join them, to help Vanya, okay? I've had enough of everyone's bullshit and I understand we all don't get along all the time, but we gotta do this as a team." Klaus pleads.

"I don't want anything to do with Luthor. I've had enough of him. Why isn't anyone doing anything about it!? Why didn't anyone stop him from locking her up, huh!? Why didn't anyone try to stop this from happening!?" Y/N shouts back, tears starting to make their way to blur her vision.

"We tried, he's just a stubborn bastard who wants to do what he thinks is best for us all-"

"By locking his sister up in the basement!? Who fucking does that?"

"Can we just set aside our differences for a moment to help Vanya? We'll all decide as a team, the best course of action, Okay? As a team."

Y/N just huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and facing to the side.

"Come on, you don't have to talk to him, he'll you don't even have to look at him." Klaus pleads.

Y/N just stands there, contemplating the whole ordeal. After a few agonizing moments, she sighs, shrugging.

"Fine. But just know, I'm not doing this to make friends, I'm doing it for Vanya." She huffs.

"Done," Klaus says, raising his hands and leaning back a bit before continuing, "that's all I need to hear. Let's head to the Super Star." He starts to walk with her to the rendezvous.

They walk in silence, tension still present in the air. Klaus decides to make conversation, "So... tell me; do you have a crush on Vanya?" Klaus breaks the silence.

"Why would you think that?" Y/N asks sharply, still upset about everything.

"Well, I've noticed your burning passion and desire to help her. I've seen the way you look at her. I used to look at someone the same way, I know what it looks like." He answers.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really," he responds cockily, "So go on, tell me about Vanya."

"She's your sister, you know her already."

"But what do you know about her? Why do you," he puts a hand on her shoulder and looks her in the eye, "love her?"

Y/N sighs. "Vanya... Vanya is something. She's adorable in her oversized jean jacket, and the way she smiles can light up a room and that laugh... And when she plays the violin, most people just play to be the greatest, but Vanya, she pours her whole heart into it; her whole soul, her whole being, into this one simple instrument. She plays, to play."

Klaus just watches Y/N as she talks about her crush and notices her whole mood change the deeper into telling him about Vanya she gets. He watches as she gets lost in her own words, trying to remember every little detail about Vanya she loves.

Once she finishes, she turns to Klaus, "So, who do you have google eyes for?" She asks, seemingly as if all the previous tension has disappeared completely.

"Well, it all started in 1968. I just appeared out of nowhere, in a time I wasn't supposed to exist in. I didn't know where I was, and I was already called out to war. But Dave saw my confusion and knew I was lost, and he took me under his wing to guide me through the war. He helped me feel whole again, he made me feel like I got, even though I never did. So with that, we bonded, and a few drinks later, we finally knew we fell for each other. Until he died at my side. He was shot right in the chest. Nobody came to help..." He trails off.

Y/N puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, allowing him to return the gesture.

"Don't worry though, this time, your Vanya won't die. We'll help her as a team." He forces a smile at her.

The two eventually make it to the bowling ally, spotting everyone at one of the lanes. They all look so beaten and broken; like they've all been dragged through hell and back.

Y/N finds a spot next to Allison while everyone starts to talk, mumbling their sentences instead of talking. Klaus starts talking about Ben at some point in the conversation as the volume got a little louder.

"It wasn't me to saved Diego, it was Ben! Okay, earlier today, he hit me. He hit me across the face, right here!" Klaus gestures to his cheek which Ben has slapped earlier.

"You're crazy, Klaus." Luthor says.

"Will you all just listen to me! For once! You never listen to me! I was kidnapped and tortured, and went back in time, and none of you noticed!"

"Oh yeah? Well you know, dad sent me to the moon for four years! For nothing!" Luthor raises his voice. "He didn't want anything to do with me!"

Everyone groans at his comment before Y/N butts in.

"Would you shut up with the fucking moon already! You should feel blessed you even got to go! It's a dick move dad made but you still got to go!" Y/N cuts in bitterly.

She quickly drops herself out of the conversation as Allison pulls her closer. She starts to pick out glass, still embedded in Y/N's skin from the collapse. The two of them are still tuned into the arguments that have broken out among the Academy as Allison treats Y/N's wounds tenderly.

"Hey, are you guys even listening?" Luthor asks the two girls.

"Yes, they are. Now please, can we just set aside our differences for just once and figure out how to help Vanya in this situation?" He says calmly, trying not to spark yet another argument.

The group, still arguing, finally decides that they need to locate Vanya before they can do anything.

"Hey, I have a magazine from the future, it hasn't changed, so we haven't stopped the apocalypse. But look, Vanya is on the front. She's at the orchestra." Five points out.

"Then that's where we're going." Luthor states.

While everyone is still distracted, Five manages to slip away from the group to do his own thing. Y/N gives him a quizzical glance and he nods to her, assuring her that everything will be alright and not to worry about him. He motions to her that he'll be right back.

Not too long after, the sound of a gun going off rips through the room, followed by multiple other guns. Everyone dives for cover.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Luthor shouts.

"I don't know, but we need to get out of here!" Diego shouts back as he throws one of his knives at the gunmen.

Everyone else finds something to throw at the gunmen to protect themselves. Diego, his knives, Luthor, a bowling ball, Y/N, one of Diego's other knives, Klaus, a cake, you know, anything works.

Allison frantically taps Y/N's shoulder to get her attention. She whips around to face her. Allison points to the bowling lanes, trying to show Y/N her plan of escape.

"Guys! The bowling lanes!" She shouts, getting up, helping Allison too, and sprinting down the lanes.

Everyone follows suite, diving into the pins into the room behind the machines. Everyone recovers, making sure at least someone else is alright.

"We need to make our way to Vanya's concert if we're going to help her. Luthor speaks, looking at Y/N for approval.

Y/N, still holding a small grudge on him, nods in a acknowledgment at his comment. Everyone confidently groups together and finds the way out of the building. They make their way to Vanya's concert, the Icarus Theater.

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