Chapter 49: Everything's Gone To Hell,The Decisive Battles of Our Heroes

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"He's at it again!!" Midoriya yelled.

"Quit this shit already!" Lockrock complained.

"The ceiling!!" An officer yelled.

"The walls!!" Another officer yelled.

"The floor!!" The chief said.

"Quit pointing obvious shit out already!" You scolded them.

You were all running through the halls again as they were shifting and twisting even more than before. Everything around you began to close in and the hall got smaller and smaller.

"They're closing in!! We'll all be crushed to death!!" Midoriya said.

"We're gonna be turned into ground beef!!" Kirishima yelled.

"Lockrock!" Nighteye called him.

"Oh, don't act the leader!  Cuz the cause of this whole debacle..." He said while placing his hand on one of the walls. " your mismanagement!!" He said before turning his hand that was on the wall. "Deadbolt!" He yelled as he used his quirk to lock the side of the wall he was next to from shifting. "This way! This side won't shift anymore." He said as you all ran along the side of the wall.

Suddenly, the wall that he didn't lock had shifted again and pillars of stone shot towards him.

"Look, see!? He's attacking again from a point I didn't lock down!" Lockrock yelled.

"Watch out!" Midoriya yelled as you and him flew towards him and smashed the pillar into rubble, saving the pro.

"He's like some kind of moronic mole." The police chief said as you were all catching your breaths from running so much.

"If Fat Gum's team survived we coulda made our way more smoothly. Eraser!" Lockrock yelled at Aizawa.

"I know!" Aizawa admitted to him. "If only I could "see" his body, I could stop him...! At this rate it'll only gradually get worse! We're gonna get cornered eventually!" Aizawa thought in haste.

"We're not making any progress!"Midoriya yelled in despair.

"Damn it all...! Like hell I'm gonna let you stop me here!" You yelled as you smashed your fist against one of the shifting walls and made it crack. "So many people have gotten us this far so that we could get this little girl out of here...! Ryu, Kirishima and Fat Gum, Amajiki...Everyone who's here to save her...We will not be stopped!!!" You yelled.

Suddenly, the walls all around you shifted and opened up wide as you stared up in confusion.

"It opened up!?" Midoriya yelled.

"What are they playing at now!?" An officer yelled as Lockrock looked up and saw the ceiling suddenly shift and come down towards you all.

"UWAHH!?!" He gasped in shock.

"Deku! Y/N!" Aizawa yelled as he used his wraps to pull you both towards him as the ceiling had come between the three of you and the rest of your group.

"I'm sorry..." Midoriya muttered as you and Aizawa stared at the wall that separated you from your group.

"Don't worry about it!" Aizawa said.

"They split us up!? Why now...?" You thought in confusion.

"Hey!! Guys!! You okay in there!?" Lockrock's voice came from the inside of the collapsed wall.

"Lockrock's voice!!" An officer yelled from the other side as Lockrock was stuck in between.

"The walls aren't very thick..." The chief muttered.

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