Chapter 56: The Invasion Plan Of U.A, The Cultural Festival Has Arrived!

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With You

After absorbing a new quirk and breaking yourself off from the League of Villains for a while, you were stood on top of a looking down at a hideout that you learned of that housed a low-leveled criminal. You stared at a window and looked inside to see the people you were watching. The first was a man with a refined appearance. He had a slicked back hairdo with a curl at the front and sported a handlebar mustache along with a well-kept, medium-sized beard. His clothes were also quite extravagant, as he wore a dark purple jacket with enlarged collars and coattails, a pair of loose pinstriped pants and two belts. He also wore a pair of cuffs and a woolly scarf and had a cane nearby him.

 He also wore a pair of cuffs and a woolly scarf and had a cane nearby him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Now then, Mr.Gentle Criminal, what are you planning?" You thought as you floated off the building and towards the window of the room he was in.

You floated out of sight but not out of earshot and when you peeked in you saw someone else come towards Gentle Criminal. You saw a female who was a very short young woman with quite a large, round head, compared to her narrow body. She had raspberry pink hair, which she wore up in two high pigtails, wide and thick at the top and thinning at the bottom, the ends curved upwards to the sides at her waist, their edges trimmed straight. She had a single bang in the middle of her forehead, swept pointedly to her right, and very large, pointed-down eyes with thick, heavily made-up eyelashes, two longer protrusions to each far side, which take up most of her face. Her irises were oval-shaped, pink in color, and each have two circles between their small pupils and their rims, giving them a rather hypnotic look. Her clothes were consisting of a big white bow at her neck, matching the thick gloves she wears, an indigo shirt with large buttons and long, upturned frilly sleeve cuffs, and a pair of white, pinstriped pants which are very poofy, making her legs seem bigger than they are. She sports several heart motifs, such as heart earrings, heart-shaped buckles on the two thin, golden belts around her waist, and a wide heart design over the tops of her legs. She also has some dark tights on underneath her pants, over which she wears a pair of shiny high-heeled boots.

 She also has some dark tights on underneath her pants, over which she wears a pair of shiny high-heeled boots

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"What do you have to tell our friend, La Brava?" You wondered as you listened in.

"Gentle, this is bad...we haven't taken a tea break in a week, now...Are you okay?" She asked while peeking over the table as Gentle was working with papers and a laptop in front of him.

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