7. Back to school

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I  don't see why people get worked up about the first day. Like theirs no need to get all worked about and nervous or excited. The only difference between this year and every other year is that i don't have any friends i go to school with. I mean theres the Cullens but those are Bellas friends. But anyways i need to get ready. Since i showered last night and today is sunny I throw on some white jean shorts a fitted black t-shirt with my signature slip on vans. Taking my hair out of it's braid, i shake it out and put on some chapstick and put in my diamond stud earrings to match the rest of my piercings. I remember when i got my piercings and came to visit my dad, he flipped when he found out i got an industrial in my right ear, my cartilage and conch pierced on my left ear, but hes grown used to them same with my tattoos as long as he knows the meaning behind them. But anyways, back to what i was doing. I grab my bag with all my notebooks and stuff and leave my room setting my stuff on the couch i head to the kitchen grabbing a granola bar and a water bottle on my way to the table. Checking my phone i respond to all my messages and scroll through instagram. I stop at a picture Toni posted with everyone from a couple weeks ago smiling at the memory.

We were at White Wyrm, FP turned one of the rooms on the second floor into a teen room i guess, but we decided to have a game night. We were playing Guitar Hero Toni on Guitar, Sweets on drums, Fangs on bass, and i was on mic. That was one of the few nights where we felt like actual teenagers, like we weren't in the serpents, like we didn't have any responsibilities.

I zone out of my little daydream when Bella comes downstairs. "Morning Bells" "Morning" she says in a groggy voice. I smile at that earning a look from Bella. "How are you such a morning person." "I'm not i'm just an energetic person." Rolling her eyes at my response with a smile on her face. "Edwards gunna be here any minute." "Cool. But you know I could've driven myself." "Nope. Alice wants everyone to hang out after school." "But what if i had plans." "You don't. If you did you would've dressed better because your plans would be with Paul." "Touche my friend. Touche." 

When Edward gets to the house we both climb into his car. During the almost silent drive i ask "Hey am I going to get stared at weird because i'm new or because i'm showing up with you guys?" They both look at each other for a second before saying "Both."

And they were right. When we pulled up and climbed out of the car all eyes were on me. Rolling my eyes i turn to them "I can hear the whispers from here." Chuckling Edwards asks "Do you need help finding your classes. From the looks of it you have many willing male volunteers." That got a laugh out of me. And not one of those regular laughs, it was one of those my ribs hurt so much but i need to catch my breathe but its also hard to stop laughs. Once I managed to stop and wiped the tears from my eyes. I said "Nah i think i got it. How hard can it be to get lost in a school off what maybe 600 students." Giving them a wave i head off to the main building to find my locker and to get a look around. 

Let's just say today was boring so far.  All my classes, Science Math History were just syllabus and intros. Oh and don't forget getting textbooks. And since i'm an AP student i have the textbook, the study textbook you have to buy from a book store, and the workbook. Thank god all my credits transferred and i'm actually ahead on credits. So only 3 sets of books. Now it's lunch. Then only 3 more classes which are all extra curricular. Study Hall, Music study, and Choir. The last two are technically one class just put into 2 different periods, since the teacher was an actual almost celebrity who knows a thing or two and willing to help improve the skills of upcoming individuals. Anyway back to lunch. Since everyone is just whispering about me and staring and the occasional hormonal guy trying to flirt, i didn't really make any friends just small talk with the people who sat next to me. So here i am sitting with Bellas friends listening to Gossip mouth stanley, as i've heard people call her, go on and on about who knows what while i'm playing tic tac toe with jasper on a napkin. Felling my phone go off as i make the winning move i smirk at jasper before looking at my phone.

Paul: Hey are you doing anything after school?

Rosie: Nothing of my interest. Why? Miss my already? 

Paul: You know it. Anyways wanna come down to Sams after? Emilys making a dinner and Sam wants to catch up with his favorite little troublemaker.

Rosie: Cool. Anything that involves food i'm in. But you gotta pick me up. Carpooled with Edward today.

Paul: See you at 3.

Remembering that Alice organized tonights plans, and bella telling me she can be scary if something doesn't go her way, but i'm no pussy so i just straight up tell her. "Hey Alice you know how you made plans tonight?" "You better not be canceling-" "Well I am now the bells gunna ring and i gotta go." I get up and leave before she can say anything.

The rest of my school day felt like a regular day. But my music class was the best and is probably gunna be my favorite. When the bell rings for us to leave i head to my locker to grab all my books and head out trying to avoid Alice and her wrath. Now I'm 5ft carrying 6 books and 3 more in my bag and trying to fast walk out of school that must be a sight to see. Thank God when i get to the front Pauls car is parked in the front because i don't know how far i could've carried these books. Luckily Paul gets out of the car and takes my books with ease. "Damn i thought you only needed 3 books." "Paul I'm an AP student with stright A's and a 4.0....I have 3 more in my bag." We get into his car and he starts driving "What do you have 9 books for." "Paul I know you probably took some basic ass classes but I'm taking college level classes." "Wait so you're stupid smart then." "I mean i do my work and i actually put an effort into it but yeah i want to be able to get into a good college or be able to do something with my life because i put focus into it." The rest of the ride was just us singing along to the songs on the radio. When we pull up to the house i stop. "Wait this isnt sams house." "Oh yeah sams engaged to emily and he moved in with her." "OHHHHHHHHH" "But hey don't stare at her she was in an accident." "Why would i stare at something like that." Putting his hands up in defense. " Hey just a warning" He pulls me close and wraps his arm around my shoulders before we head inside. 

The evening was fun. I got to know Emily and pretty much became best friends with her and Kim, Jareds girlfriend. Emily had the guys set up a table outside since it felt really nice outside and we had a great time we even played some board games. By the end of the night it felt like i was building up another branch to my family and i felt like i belonged somewhere again. Somewhere that wasn't the serpents or Riverdale but something that was made for me. 

Liked by MantletheMagnificent, CherylBombshell, and 280 others

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Liked by MantletheMagnificent, CherylBombshell, and 280 others

RosieS: A beautiful family can only grow

Comments 34

Kimmy: Look at Jareds big head

PLahote: It's the ego that increases the size

RosieS: Youre one to talk  

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