42. Baby Lahote

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I take my time in the shower soaking up the warmth from the water, I sigh as I climb out and wrap the fuzzy towel around myself, grabbing another for my hair. I take my time applying lotion before slipping my underwear on. I blow dry my hair to the point where it's not dripping wet before brushing my hair into a high pony tail. I slip on some jeans and a t-shirt going for the casual yet comfortable option. I head to Paul's room and grab a pillow before hitting him with it causing him to sit up worried, "What happened?!" I shrug, "Nothing. Except the appointments today." He looks at the clock before rubbing his face, "We have three hours to get there." "But I'm hungry. We're hungry." I say emphasizing the we as I rub my belly, loving that my little nugget is in a position that makes my belly look bigger at the moment. Paul moves to sit on the edge of the bed pulling me between his legs, "What do you want to get?" "CAKE." I say getting excited. He looks at me, "You can't have cake for breakfast, how about pancakes." I pout, "Can I get frosting with it?" "How about whipped cream and fruit?" "But cake sound so good right now." "Pancakes it is. Go wait while I shower." I trudge my way to the living room letting myself plop down on the couch. Soon Paul comes out dressed and ready with my shoes and jacket in hand. I slip on the warm boots before Paul helps me slide on my jacket, "Come on let's go."

We make our way to Denny's and get breakfast and take our time eating before we head over to the doctors. Paul takes a seat as I check in and grab a clipboard filling out my information when I sit next to Paul. "I don't understand why they make you fill that out every time you come." "Because stuff changes with time, you can develop allergies to latex or to dairy. Or something changed in your diet. It's precaution. Let's say I was allergic to a certain medication or antibiotic and they needed to use it, if I didn't write it down they'd use it and I'd die. But since it's written down any updates go into my file and they'll know what they can't use." He looks at me, "It's still stupid." "And that's why I'm taking this baby to the doctors not you." I say with a smile before getting up to give the receptionist my paperwork. I sit back and squeeze Paul's hand when he grabs mine. "Rosalinda Swan." We both stand up and walk with the nurse to the room where the nurse leaves us to get situated. Paul helps me into the table then takes the seat next to me before grabbing my hand, "You ready?" I look at him, "Are you ready?" He smiles before he leans back, "Were going to be really young parents." "Is that finally hitting you?" I say teasingly making him smile. We hear a knock on the door before my doctor comes in, "Hello Rosie, Paul how's it going guys? You still have those cravings?" I smile, "Funfetti cake with whipped cream frosting." They both laugh at me. "Are you feeling any movement yet?" "Either that or gas." The doctor chuckles before bringing out the gel and starts spreading it with the wand before the baby shows up on the screen. "Alright everything in it's place. Ten fingers, ten toes. Everything is stable. If you look here." He points to the screen and Paul squeezes my hand, "Baby Lahote is a healthy baby boy." I smile before looking at Paul, "A boy." He kisses my fingers as the doctor hands me a tissue to wipe my stomach. "Alright you guys know where to pick up the pictures. Have a good day and go easy on the cake." I smile as he leaves and Paul helps me off the table. I look up at him, "We're having a boy." I say getting excited, "We are." He grabs my face as he kisses me with a smile. "Let's go get the pictures." We grab the pictures before heading out to the car.

Paul stops in front of my house. My mom came down last night so she'd be hear when we found out the gender. As we walk inside we hear the laughter and the yells from everyone. As soon as we walk into the room it gets quiet. I smile, "we're having a boy." My mom and dad pull me into a hug before my mom lets go giving Paul a hug. I pull away from my dad to see his eyes are watery. "I'm not crying something got in my eye." "Dad. Nothing could of gotten in your eye." I smile at him with a teasing grin before he ruffles my hair, "Thank God there's going to be another boy around this house." I shake my head. My dad's always wanted a son, someone to take fishing and do boy stuff with but he got stuck with two girls and a granddaughter, so he must be really happy to finally be getting that boy. "Speaking of which the serpents sent me with a present. I may have gotten a little excited when I got the call. So they know." I smile at her, of course she couldn't contain her excitement. She's always been the worst at keeping secrets. She reaches into her bag pulling out a smaller bag and hands it to me. I open it and pull out a small leather jacket.

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