The invasion.

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It's been three weeks since Death was last seen and Melody and her pups were back out in the forest where they belonged, Celestia wanted to visit with Twilight and her friends for the day and discuss some matters that needed to be addressed, as they were talking about the situation, one of the guards ran in and collapsed, Luna ran over to see if she could help.

"You... need to run." He started. "The castle... is under attack."

"We can help, no problem." Celestia said, she tried to use her magic, but nothing happened. "What is this?"

"Some sort of ancient magic, not even I can use my magic." Luna replied.

"We gotta go!" Twilight shouted as six ponies busted into the throne room.

They all began running through the castle halls and went right to the library and closed off the doors, they were just staring at them.

"We have to get out." Luna said.

Celestia flew up and opened a window, but there was some sort of barrier keeping her in, she landed again.

"I believe it's hopeless, there's no way out." Celestia said.

"No, there has to be another way out." Rainbow Dash said.

"We can't leave, we can't use our magic, I don't think anyone can even get in here unless their magic is stronger or older." Luna said.

It was quiet when they heard a page flip, they all looked over at a table to see Death with short hair, they were all put on edge as he closed the book and looked up.

"Princesses." He said.

He got up and began heading towards Celestia and Luna, Twilight and the others jumped in front of him, he stopped in his tracks.

"You can't reap them!" Twilight shouted.

"You can't keep me from my job." Death said, he pushed past them and walked right past the princesses too, he faced the door. "I suggest you stand back."

They all went a good distance back as the doors were kicked down, the six ponies were just staring at Death, they began chuckling.

"What kind of pony are you?" The stallion that was in the front asked, he was gray with a blue mane.

"I'm the Pony Of Death." Death replied, he held out his wings. "And I cannot allow you to harm the princesses."

They began laughing harder. "I thought the Pony Of Death was this big scary pony, not this little pipsqueak." A mare said, she was a unicorn with a golden coat and emerald green hair.

Death looked mildly upset, but stood his ground.

"Take him down, he's probably just starting out." The stallion ordered.

The dark brown stallion went to attack as Death reared up and launched him back with magic, he hit a suit of armor.

"I may be small, but I've been around a lot longer than you think." Death said in a dark tone.

The blue maned stallion launched another attack as they all mobbed him, he was doing his best to fight them all off, but he was being overwhelmed.

"We've gotta do something to help him." Applejack said.

The fight stopped for a moment for them to catch their breath, Death was panting the most.

"Give it up, Dead Bringer!" The brown stallion shouted. "Just reap the princesses and get it done and over with!"

Death was panting too hard to say anything, his legs were trembling slightly.

"So be it." The blue maned stallion said, he pulled out a book and began reciting from it.

"I'm so sorry..." Death said with a quivering voice.

He opened a portal and reached in, he pulled Rose out and she skidded over to the six attackers.

"Whoa!" Rose shouted in surprise, she looked around and saw Death. "What happened?" She asked as she ran up to him.

Death collapsed on the floor. "Rose, you have to get that book." He replied quietly, he looked to the book that the stallion stopped reciting from. "He's hurting me with it."

Rose seemed to vanish as did the book too, she growled slightly as she jumped from the chandelier and tackled the ponies, she began laughing and running around.

"I'm sorry, I'll pay for everything." Death said as he looked up at the princesses.

"What's this?! Looky here! Ooh, shiny!" Rose shouted as she ran through the library, she began talking too fast for anyone to understand.

"Capture her!" The blue maned stallion ordered.

The mare used her magic and contained Rose, but she got out again anyway.

"Imma tie you all up!" Rose shouted.

"W-wait!" Death said, but it was too late.

Rose pulled out a type of black rope and began tying ponies up, even Twilight, her friends, the princesses, the guards, even Death, he looked slightly panicked.

"Is this my hair?" He asked.

Rose giggled psychotically and began breaking more things, even the chandelier, but she tied it with the rope as well, no one could get out as she began swinging and screaming. All of a sudden, a white aura surrounded everything and everyone, then it all vanished as the six were pinned in a bowing position on the floor.

"You have my attention now." Yang said.

"About time you get here." Death said as he looked up at him.

"So, what is going on?" Yang asked.

"They were going to kill the princesses." Death replied as he looked at the six ponies.

"Wait, what happened?" Yin asked. "I missed it?!"

"And that's a good thing." Yang said, he looked at Death. "You go home, I've got this under control."

Death's posture chanced as he looked more like a timid colt as he used his magic to pick up the book he was reading, he walked through one of his portals as Yang tossed Rose through, the portal disappeared as Yang looked at the six.

"You're in a lot of trouble, do you want Discord to rule over the land again?" He asked angrily.

"W-we won't do it again!" The stallion with blue hair replied with his eyes low.

"That you won't." Yang said.

The aura turned black and wrapped around the horns of the unicorns they had on their side, then the horns disappeared.

"You will live out the rest of your lives as normal earth ponies, learning everything all over again." Yang said. "I gave magic to this world, I can take it away."

Yang then left through a white portal wand was gone, Celestia and Luna both looked at each other. Twilight and the others went home as the guards arrested the six for the attack, Celestia didn't say a word since Death left.

"What's the matter?" Luna asked.

"It was him." Celestia replied.

"Well, yeah, the First Pony isn't anything new." Luna said.

"I'm talking about the Pony Of Death." Celestia said looking up at her. "He's the Pony Of Death."

"Uh, yeah, I sure hope so." Luna agreed.

"No, you don't get it." Celestia said, she looked away sadly. "I cannot forget those eyes that looked so betrayed." She whispered.

Luna was confused. "What are you going on about?" She asked.

"The Pony Of Death is Black Death." Celestia replied as she began to cry slightly. "I betrayed him."

Luna was quiet, she pulled Celestia into a hug and comforted her.

A Deathly Cutie Mark. (My Little Pony Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now