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It was the next morning as Yin and Yang were off reaping ponies on Death's behalf, Luna was walking to Death's room as Celestia passed her in the hall, when Luna got there, Death was gone.

"Wait, where did he go?" Luna asked.

She ran after Celestia. "What's wrong?" Celestia asked.

"Black's gone." Luna replied.

They both began looking around the castle until they found him near the dungeon, he was obviously still sore.

"What are you doing?" Celestia asked.

"I'm going to talk with Iron Hoof." Death replied.

Celestia followed Death as Luna went to go sleep, Death stopped in front of the cell that had the blue maned stallion inside, he didn't look pleased to see Death.

"You've caused a lot of problems, you know." Death said.

The stallion ran over and went to kick Death in the face, but Death pushed him back with magic, making sure he wouldn't move again.

"I know it was hard, but there was nothing you could do." Death said. "The only way was to leave."

"I'll kill you!" The stallion shouted.

"Why?" A pure white colt asked as he peeked out from Death's mane, he looked scared.

The stallion was quiet. "Wintersong?" He asked in shock.

The colt was quiet as he looked at Death. "He made me feel better, he helped me." He said.

"But, he's-" The stallion was cut off when the colt started to cry.

"I knew I was going to die, I was too sick!" The colt sobbed heavily. "I just wanted to be okay!"

The stallion looked unsure now like something was eating away at him, Death looked back up at the stallion.

"Iron Hoof, you need to let go of your grief, it's the only way Wintersong can rest peacefully." Death said.

Iron Hoof turned away quietly. "I can't let go." He hissed through his teeth. "You took him away from me!"

"And how do you think he feels?" Wintersong asked. "He had to reap his whole family, and all his loved ones."

Iron Hoof looked back at them. "It doesn't matter, he's evil!" He shouted.

"Death is not the end nor the final word, Death is a separation temporarily unheard, Death has no power to keep apart a love forged so deeply in a pony's heart, Death creates a veil and shields us from view, but Death can do nothing to disconnect me from you." Wintersong recited. "Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm gone, I'm only waiting for when you come."

"I did not come into the world to end all that is happy, I came to ease them in their time of need." Death started up. "If you cannot understand what I really do, then you will be doomed to your own demise."

Wintersong looked at Death quickly. "Please don't let him go to torment!" He begged.

"That is not up to me, it's all about him." Death said as he turned to leave. "I have already put it behind me and let go of my anger, now it is time for him to do the same."

Wintersong looked back at Iron Hoof but said nothing as he followed Death and vanished when he stepped on Death's tail, Death went back to his room and laid down to rest, he let out a sad sigh.

"What was that about?" Celestia asked.

"It happened years ago, I just didn't know he was there." Death said. "He watched Wintersong get reaped, and he swore that he would be looking for me until the day he dies."

A Deathly Cutie Mark. (My Little Pony Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now