Chapter 5

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Dallas POV


"Bruh it's boring as hell," Box said. "We need to do something."

"You need to get your black ass up and do some work." We're at the main trap doing business. There really isn't anything to do. Most of everything was done and shit was moving smoothly enough.

"Work? Nigga what work? Ain't shit to do."

"Let's have a kickback," Drew said. "We haven't had one in a while. Not really in the mood for a hardcore party. Just wanna sit back and chill."

"Yeah it's easy for y'all to suggest a kickback when everything's going down at my place." My house is the biggest so we normally have the kickbacks, throwbacks, and barbeques there. Any hardcore partying is hosted at a club or something. I'll be damned if I let a motherfucker mess my shit up. "Same people right?"

"Yeah," they said. "Don't forget Maria and her sisters. They're mad cool."

"Selena got a smart ass mouth though," Speed said.

"She called him a minute man," Drew laughed. "I never thought about that shit this whole time we been calling you Speed."

I laughed at them. But they're right. Maria and her sisters are mad cool. Selena does have jokes for days. Sophia was just really quiet and shy.

Papi Chulo: Aye ma

Sexy Mamacita: Sí papi?

Papi Chulo: We havin a kickback at my place in a few hours. You and yo sisters are invited. You in?

She didn't text back immediately. I hope she says she can go. I know she'll let Selena and Sophia come but she'll need someone to watch Santi. I wouldn't mind the little guy coming but I knew she would. Plus I kind of miss her face, on some friends shit.

Sexy Mamacita: Yeah we'll come what time?

Papi Chulo: We're setting up now but you can come by around 4 I'll text you the address and bring bathing suits

"So what she say?" Tyson asked

"Yeah they're coming." This idea of a kickback just got a thousand times better.

Maria POV


This is the first Saturday that all of us are in the house bored out of our minds. Our old life is gone and so is the thought of contacting anyone in it. Plus after that whole week of beef with Dallas and the fight with that twig we haven't been all that popular with people. We were just lazing around the house. We were in the theatre/game room watching Netflix when Dallas texted me about a party at his place.

I hesitated because even though we've been cool the past week I don't know him or his friends. Selena and Sophia say they're nice but never went into detail. I think those putas are hiding something but whatever. Also, because of Santi. I'm not taking him to a stranger's house around a bunch of his idiot friends. So I called up Jay.

"Hey Maria," he answered.

"Hey Jay, you busy today?"

"Nope just at home with the wife."

"Okay is it too much trouble to ask if you can watch Santi for a few hours?"

"What? I was waiting on you." I laughed. "Just bring him by whenever."

"Okay and thanks Jay see you in a few."

"What's going on?" Selena was focusing on her Candy Crush game.

"Dallas is having a kickback party. Jay and Jade will watch Santi while we go."

"We're going to a party. We're going to a party." Selena jumped up doing all types of crazy dances. I laughed at her slow ass.

"Okay y'all get dressed and get a bathing suit. I'm guessing he has a pool or something."

"Is this a good idea?" Sophia asked. "I thought we weren't supposed to get close to their types?"

"We're not going there to make friends. We're going there because there's nothing to do and to have fun. Yes we should still be cautious but that doesn't mean we should sacrifice our life. We're out of papi's domain and as long as we try to stay away from it we'll be fine."

She nodded. "Okay. If you say so."

I went to take my shower as well. Santi was sound asleep in the middle of my bed so he was alright. I wore my red one piece with the sides and back cut out. It was lacy in the front. I wore shorts and a red shirt over it. I put my hair up in a messy bun. I dressed Santi and got his bag ready.

"Where going mama?" he asked.

"You're going to see Uncle Jay and Auntie Jade okay?" He nodded and took his tablet from the end table in the living room. "Ready putas?" I knew my sisters like the back of my hand. Selena was wearing blue so I knew she had on her blue bikini underneath her clothes. She was posing and taking pictures. Sophia had on lavendar so I knew she wore the one piece she liked.

"Yes," they said.

Sophia POV

I wasn't too sure about this party but knowing Maria she'd drag me kicking and screaming. I'm really introverted and hate socializing but I don't want to be stuck in the house all day. Selena was excited to go to her first high school party even if it's just a get together. After thirty minutes of driving and singing we pulled up to Jay's place.

"Jerrod!" Selena jumped out the car and was banging on the door. Really she was making a beat and dancing. I had to laugh at her silly ass. After a few seconds the door opened. "Jay!" She jumped on him. Jay just laughed.

"Selena get your behind down." Maria got Santi and I got his bag.

"Hey y'all," Jay let us in. "Maria why your dirt squirrel ass getting into fights already?"

"Shut the fuck up Jay with your jar head ass," Maria said. They're always talking shit but are the closest friends. "And if you must know bastard, a little stick was mad disrespectful so I had to show rather than tell her what I'm about."

"You always fighting."

"Someone is always giving me a reason to fight."

"Are you taking your medicine?"

"Nope." Maria just does not care about anything. She tells her own doctor she's not taking them and won't take them. "Anyways, Dr. Wright how's it been since you got a real job?"

"Feels the same but better and safer." We talked briefly for a few minutes. Maria knew Jay from our dad but I don't know the full story. He agreed to be an emergency contact and stuff. He's also our family doctor. "Okay I'm tired of looking at your faces. Get out and you can get Santi tomorrow."

"Shut up Caesar." We laughed. Ever since Maria saw his baby picture she's been calling him that saying he looks just like Caesar in the planet of the Apes movie.

"Bye Jay," we said getting in the car. Maria got on the phone talking to Dallas getting directions. I wonder if they'll start dating.

Selena: You think Dallas and Maria like each other? What if they start dating?!

Me: I don't know. You know how Maria is. It'll take a miracle for them to just be friends.

Selena: Right?! Maria needs some dick in her life

I bust out laughing at her text. I couldn't help it. Selena is forever sneak dissing and trying to play somebody. "Si usted putas no cierras la boca. ¡Alto a las conversaciones paralelas culos falsos Sé que todos hablando de mí. (If you bitches don't shut the fuck up. Stop the side conversations fake asses I know y'all talking about me.)" We laughed again. No matter what I wouldn't trade my sisters for the world.

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