Chapter 40

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Tanisha POV


Thotiana irked my nerves to the fullest with that party fiasco. And then she had the nerve to try and drill me with info about what I was doing hanging with Maria. Told the bitch she wasn't my damn mama and to get the hell out of my business. Anyways, Thotiana was taking too long so I decided to walk. That and I didn't have time to hear her trying to be all up in my business. Plus I needed to walk off that nightmare I had. I had dreamt that my exe came back for me. It's got me on edge a little bit.

I was at my locker when I heard mischief. "You stupid motherfucker!" I heard someone screaming like they do in horror movies. I turned and saw Drew running away with Maria chasing behind him.

"Help! She's trying to freak me!" I was dying at these two. Their friends just walked to lunch like it's the most normal thing ever.

"Tanisha right?" the girl Sophia smiled at me. "Want to join us for lunch?"

"Sure." I put my stuff up and walked in with them. All eyes were on us. Well damn. "Is it always like this?"

"Pretty much," she shrugged. "After a while you stop noticing it."

"What about that thing with Drew and Maria?"

"It stops fazing you after a while." I shrugged. I don't know if I'll ever get used to all this publicity or crazy that comes with them. But they seem cool as fuck so I'll see what happens.

Maria POV


After I kicked Drew's ass I went to lunch because a bitch is hungry. That girl Tanisha was in my seat but I like her so she can have it. I sit in Dallas's lap anyway. Drew quickly sat next to her. I knew his slow ass liked her. But he still needed an ass whooping for not helping them clean my house out. I know his ass was the reason people sneaked in my shit since his ass don't know how to close the damn door. "Y'all spring break is almost here," Box said.

"I can't wait a nigga need a break," Speed said.

"We should go somewhere," Chance said. Sophia was Facetiming him since his old bored ass can't come here. "I'm going to tell you right now. New York, California, Atlanta, and Miami are out. We got some beef over there and yeah."

"Well damn where we supposed to go then?"

"Candyland!" I smacked the dog piss out of Drew's dumb ass. I knew he was going to say some dumb shit so I was prepared to hit him. Tanisha laughed.

"Babe where do you want to go?" everybody looked at me. Well damn. I guess I speak for everybody now. I tried to think of somewhere we can have fun and no drama. The last time my life was like that was when papi took me to Puerto Rico to visit our abuela. That actually doesn't sound too bad. The beaches are gorgeous and there's so much to do. Not to mention the food. And Dallas can meet the little bit of blood relations we have left.

"Let's go to Puerto Rico." Selena and Sophia's eyes lit up. "We can rent out some really cool beach houses on the coast. There's so much to do and we don't even need our passports." They looked interested in going. Tanisha looked like the oddball and for some reason I feel like I should invite her. "So Tanisha you in?"

"Oh no I can't afford it."

"Don't worry about that. Dallas is paying for everything." He sucked his teeth but didn't complain.

"I can't ask you to do that. And I have to work."

"It's Spring break fuck work, fuck school, fuck these hoes. Let's go out of the states and fuck shit up. How often do you get the chance to go on an all-expense paid vacation out of the states?" She thought about it before nodding. Drew couldn't be any happier. Bitch.





~Couple days later~

Tanisha POV


I just packed everything I had since it wasn't much. School had let out like five minutes ago but I got home quickly because Drew dropped me off to pack and shit. I have about six hundred dollars I'm able to spend on this trip so hopefully that'll last seven days. I didn't have much to wear but according to Maria all I needed was swimsuits anyway since most of our time will be spent on the beach and in the water.

"Where are you going?" Thotiana came into my room and sat her dirty naked ass on my bed. I still don't talk to her after that party fiasco. "I know you hear me talking to you."

"And? I'm trying to pack."

She sucked her teeth. "Are you still salty about that party thing? It's not even a big deal. You got home right?" I ignored her as I read a text from Maria telling me we're going to the mall. "So you're apart of Maria's crew now? You're going to be a little boyfriend stealing hoe too?"

"Thotiana please do not get me started on your hoeing ass. Hell yeah I'm in her squad, and what of it? It's my life and I do what I want."

She stood up glaring at me. "You know you can't go anywhere without me anyways. I'll tell my momma and you won't go anywhere."

"Try it bitch. I'll just tell her you've been sleeping with all of her dudes on the side." She was quiet. Dumb hoe. "Knowing you, you're still going to run your hoe ass mouth so it doesn't matter to me either way. Both of you hoes can kiss my black ass. And since you're so damn nosy a real bitch is going out of town for spring break while you nurse that STD you have." She looked shocked like she's really surprise niggas don't know she's burning. "Hell yeah I know your pussy is not only stanking but burning. Your doctor called here a while ago. I got all the dirt on you and your slut ass friends. I'm the right one to mess with." I grabbed my suitcase and met Maria outside.

"You good lil mami?"

"Yeah I'm good." Selena, Sophia and another girl was with us. "I'm Tanisha."


"That's Tyson's baby momma." Oh she's pregnant. How cute! We were turnt in the car all the way to the mall. We were rapping and singing to everything. Maria stole a parking space from some dude and then threatened him if he touched her car. She made sure to flash her gun too. This girl is something else. "I stole Dallas's black card so we can buy whatever."

"Isn't he gonna get mad at you for taking his money?"

"Probably," she shrugged. Well damn she's boss. We went inside and bought a bunch of summer clothes. We had dresses, shorts, tanks, sneakers and sandals. "Our plane leaves in one hour so we should head back."

Well. Puerto Rico here we come.

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