Chapter 26

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Maria POV


I'm going to fuck Dallas's ass up. After two weeks I finally got his ugly ass to talk to me. I wasn't really all that hungry I just wanted him to come by so we can talk. It's been four hours and he's yet to show up. What if I was really hungry?

My phone started ringing. It was the hospital. "Hello?"

"Yes ma'am? Do you know a Dallas Montegue?"

What the hell? "Yes?"

"He's been admitted in Mercy hospital for multiple gun shot wounds in his chest area."

"I'm on my way." I'm not supposed to be walking but fuck it.




"Dallas Montegue?" I tried breathing through this pain.

"Room 808 eighth floor." Damn why is he all the way up there?

"Thank you." I tried shifting most of my weight onto my left side. "Excuse me?" I stopped a doctor. "Which way is room 808?" Do not have the patience to be looking for it.

"I'm on my way there right now. Just follow me." Worst mistake ever. This doctor was moving like a bat out of hell. Like damn slow down for the cripple. "Mr. Montegue," he walked inside the room. Dallas looked so depressed. "You're very lucky that the bullet didn't hit anything major and that you got here in time. You'll have to take things slow though."

"Thanks," he said. The doctor left. "What are you doing here?"

"Hospital called me." I sat down at the side of his bed. "What happened?"

"I went to McDonald's to get you your food and somebody snuck up on me. I guess this is my karma for you."

"Probably is," I strugged. He looked at me crazy. "What?"

"Aren't you supposed to say it's not my fault?"

"But it is. A little bit. I mean, we did warn you about Kenya hoe's ass." His head dropped. "But it's okay. I'm alive and so are you."

"But it's not okay. You really could've died Maria. You were shot so many times and in so many vital areas. I'm surprised you're not dead. I should've listened to y'all."

"You're right," I said. "So why didn't you? Was the hoe pussy really that good?"

"Nah," he sighed.

I hesitated before asking my next question. "Did you actually like her or something?"

"I thought I did," he mumbled. "But I think I was just forcing myself to like her because of things with me and you."


He nodded. "You know I got feelings for you Maria. I want to get to know you and I guess with how slow our progress was going made me a bit frustrated. I guess I was just hoping to get over you quickly in a way. I didn't date Kenya to replace you or nothing. Your personality is so strong I guess I was trying to convince myself I needed someone different to make it all work."

I nodded my head slowly. "I see." I was a bit relieved to learn he didn't actually like the girl and was just a bit of confusion. Even though I don't want to admit it out loud, I think I was more hurt by the thought of him possibly moving on. "I guess I can't blame you. I'm a difficult person. I know. It's just that...I've trusted the wrong people before and I was really scarred by it. Opening up again is scary for me."

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