Chapter 12

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Maria POV


I guess you can say this suspension will be more interesting. We're all done with whatever it is the guys wanted us to do and just chilling in Dallas's office. Well our office. Hell yeah we sharing now. What's his is mine. Dallas is sitting behind his desk, I'm on top of it, Tyson and the guys are on the couches.

"Shut your ugly ass up," I told Tyson. We stay fussing and I don't even know why. It's just something about him that irks me but I wouldn't change anything about him. We're way too much alike.

"You lucky I decided to take my medicine today," he said. This nigga crazy?

"You take medicine too?" Selena asked.

"Hell yeah this imbalanced motherfucker take medicine," Dallas laughed. "He's crazy as hell." Tyson flicked him off. "Selena you on medicine?"

"No, Maria is," she snitched. I flicked her off.

"I knew you were crazy," Drew said jumping up.

"Bitch suck my dick," I told him. "I'm not crazy. I just have anger problems."

"Oh shit you too?" Tyson said. "I'm bipolar and schizophrenic." Well damn this nigga all the way fucked up.

"Oh poor baby," I said. He mugged me making me laugh. "It's okay Tyson. You my new twin."

"Well please learn from your twin and take your medicine." Selena is forever talking sand shit. Imma deck her ass in a minute.

"Only on Fridays." I know my anger is crazy and it is hard to control sometimes but most of the time I can handle it. Taking the medicine makes me feel bleh. If I haven't taken it yet I'm more than likely not going to do it. There was a short knock on the door before some hoe walked in with damn near nothing on. "Well damn bitch have some fucking respect and cover up. And who the hell told you to come in?"

She looked taken aback by how many of us were in here and by the fact I'm sitting on this nigga's desk. "Who the hell are you?"

"Man what the fuck you want man?" Dallas said. This nigga better control his hoes before I do.

"I wanted to see if you needed anything daddy." I swear hoes irk the hell out of my nerves.

"It's a crying shame," Selena shook her head. "Thots are getting brave."

"Who the fuck is your ugly ass talking to? How old are you anyway? Isn't there an age requirement to come in here?" What this bitch say?

"Ooh honey I suggest-" too late. I had got off the desk and knocked this bitch on her ass. "Damn!" Drew so dramatic. I grabbed this hoe by her hair and dragged her out the room. She was kicking and screaming all the way down the stairs. Before I lose my cool I gotta let everyone know what's up.

"Everybody listen up!" I stood up on a table where everybody could see me. All the workers stopped what they were doing. "Imma say this one time and one time only. Don't fuck with me or my sisters! I'm crazy as hell and I did not take my medicine. I'll put one in between your eyes in a second and that's real talk. I'm not the one you want. I don't give second chances. I'm the new MVP in this bitch. Got me?" they all mumbled yes or whatever. "And to you disrespectful hoes, you WILL learn to knock before entering any motherfucking where. This is a job like any other job. Your ass is on the clock so do not leave this fucking area without permission. Don't come if we didn't send for you, got me?" no one said anything. I pulled out my gun and shot this girl in the shoulder. She screamed. "Do I have to repeat myself?"


"You all have a nice day now." I dropped the skank and went back upstairs. "I'm hungry," I told them. Everyone just looked at me. "What putas?"

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