Chapter 36

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Sophia POV


Seeing Selena flip out like that was scary as hell. She's always the bubbly one that jokes rather than cry. I know she has a temper but that was straight distraught fear. She was the last person I'd think to have an episode. We're all just sitting here waiting for her to wake up. Even Chase stayed, considering his boss is a tyrant. I tried thinking of anything that could've set her off as badly as it did. We're especially close since Maria was trapping with papi or out doing business for her exe. We spent a lot of time together so it's hard for me to think of a time she might've went through anything traumatic.

"You okay?" Chance wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Hoestly? No. Something is going on with Selena and I have no idea what it is. She was never like that. She was always so happy. If she did go through something traumatic I would've known. We were always together, ALWAYS." Maria was passive as usual. She's the only one that ever succeeded in being the strong one. Dallas had an ice pack on his face from where Selena kicked him.

"Guys?" Selena finally came downstairs. She looked confused and tired. "Why are y'all still here? Isn't it like five in the morning?"

"Selena are you okay?" We rushed to her side. We were just throwing questions at her.

"Shut up," Maria said. Everything got quiet. I know that tone. Selena knows that tone. This isn't going to end well. "Selena sit down."

"W-Why?" She was scared and I was scared for her. Maria gave her that look and Selena sat down at the other end of the couch. "W-Whatever it is I-I didn't do it!"

"You know you had to be sedated right? You were completely out of it. It's like you didn't hear us when we were talking to you. You kept asking for papi." Her look started falling. "I'm going to ask you this one time, and one time only, what happened?"

Selena POV


When I woke up I was a bit confused and fuzzy on what happened. It wasn't until Maria said I had to be sedated that I remember what happened. I lost control and flipped on everybody. I was trying to keep this pain inside but it's obvious that it's not working. I've been hiding it and this false sense of security behind my jokester persona when really, I'm slowly dying inside.

"I'm going to ask you this one time, and one time only, what happened?"

Everyone stared at me, looking for answers. Tears fell down my face. I couldn't do it anymore. This secret is going to kill me way before he ever can. "I was raped," I couldn't even hear what I said.


"I said I was raped," I said louder. Everything happened in slow motion. Chance punched the nearest wall, Sophia ran out crying, Maria completely blacked out, everyone was just going nuts.

"Who the fuck raped you Selena? When? What the fuck? Why didn't you say anything sooner?" I've never seen Chance so pissed. His entire face was red, body tense, veins popping out of his neck.

"Calm down man," Chase said but he looked ready to kill someone himself.

"Calm down? Fuck that! Someone raped my fucking sister. Ain't no calming down from that shit. I want that fucking nigga's head!"

"Can we let her finish?" Everyone started to calm down a little. I can see Chase having a hard time staying calm himself. "Selena, can you explain this please?"

I took a deep breath. This is going to be the first time I opened up about what took place two years ago. "It was after papi's death. Shortly after Maria and her exe started dating. He would tie me up and held me captive in his room. He would stick things in me, make me do things to him a-and myself. He sometimes brought his friends and they'd take know. He called me his little hoe and that if Maria ever found out, she wouldn't love me anymore." Everyone was quiet.

"H-How?" Sophia said with tears falling down her face. "We were always together. ALWAYS. How could he rape you and I not know?"

"R-Remember I said I was d-doing afterschool stuff?" her eyes widened. "That's the lie he told me to tell so we" Maria got up and walked out. I started crying. Maybe he was right all along. Maybe finding out her little sister sleeping with her boyfriend was too much for Maria to handle.

Dallas POV


When Maria left I followed behind her. "Maria," I caught her by the hand. She was crying. "It's okay baby. Everything is gonna be alright."

"I brought that monster to her. My family. And I didn't see anything. It's all my fault," she cried. "I didn't see. I didn't see anything that was going on. The torture he put her through. The pain she endured ALONE. I was supposed to protect them Dallas and all I did was throw them to the wolves."

"No baby it's not your fault. The only thing you did was do what you thought was right. You made a few mistakes along the way but that's fine. You have time to fix them. You can repent, cry, whatever you want. But don't give in and don't give up. Your old man wouldn't want that. Selena needs you more than ever right now. Don't give up just yet." I brought her back inside and Selena ran into her arms.

"I'm so sorry Maria. Please forgive me! I know I was a hoe for sleeping with him and not telling you but I already lost papi. I can't lose you too. I just...I can't do this on my own anymore."

"It's okay mi hermana," Maria held her. Sophia hugged her too. "I'm so sorry you went through that alone. I'm so sorry I brought him into our lives."

I motioned for the guys to meet me in the kitchen. "You know who this guy is?" I asked Chase and Chance since they know Maria better than us.

"Y'all familiar with his squad?"

"Little bit," I said.

"Are you familiar with his left hand man at least?" We nodded remembering a bit about the man briefly. "Well, he had a son that liked Maria for the longest. If this were older times you'd think her old man and his old man already had them betrothed or some shit. He was a cool dude. I never thought he'd do some shit like this," Chase shook his head.

"I personally didn't trust the nigga," Chance said. "Him and I never saw eye to eye. He didn't like me because he felt entitled to taking over the old man's sindicate. I knew the little nigga never did care about Maria, just used her to get close to the old man. They had an on-again off-again relationship for years and even when I warned her about him she still felt for the little nigga."

"What do you wanna do Dallas?" Tyson asked.

"We're going to bury this fuck nigga. This is my family man. Selena was fucking twelve. He raped a child. His ass is sick."

"I'm in," there was a look in Speed's eyes that I've never seen before.

"We all got your back," Box said.

"Oh I'm definitely in," Chance said looking even madder than anyone. "This man is damn near a ghost so we're going to need Chase to do his geek magic to find him. I also know some people who might can help us."

"I'll do anything for Maria and them. If getting rid of this dude for good is what I need to do I'll do it no questions asked. I'm still in contact with some of the squad too."

"No," we heard Maria said. "Don't okay?"

"Look we have to-"

"No! Y'all don't know him like I do okay? He's dangerous Dallas. Nobody wants his head on a chopping board more than me but I know how he is and I know how he operates. If you go looking for him you're going to find trouble. We left that life for a reason. We've done a good job hiding from him. Don't mess that up for me Dallas."

I sighed. "Alright." I hugged her but gave Chase a head nod to continue what I told him to do. The only way to make sure my family is safe is to make sure this fuck nigga is not around to hurt them ever again. They'll never be safe as long as they're constantly looking over their shoulders.

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